Ch 29 Marriage?

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POV: Adalind

Caleb is here. I'm so excited. I've shown him all around the palace. Right we're in my room watching movies and arguing which team is better. I'm a team Damon and Caleb is team stephan. Oh yeah we're watch the vampire diaries. I'm Delena all the way but Caleb is stelena. At least my team win the girl in the end.

I like Klaus to and Elijah. Elijah is so hot. That Caleb and I agree on. We're at the part where Klaus makes stephan turn his humanity off and turns Tyler into a hybrid.

"Girl I would kill you if you did that to me. I'd revive you just so I can kill you." Caleb comments on the part of the episode that matt jumps in the pool. "Seriously. He was trying to help. Poor Matt." I say. Wow.

"Yes Seriously. I don't care how much you try to help. Killing yourself does not ever in any situation help. As you can see all his actions did was allow him to see his dead sister. He played the selfish card masking it as the trying to help card." Caleb debates. Wow I never looked at it that way. I've watch the vampire diaries at least four times over and not once did I see it like that.

"Let's go get some food. I'm hungry." I say. "Yeah me too. Let's go." We go to the kitchen that is only ever used by me here. I just pop a frozen pizza in the oven to bake. While it bake I place some break and cookies on a pan.

Aiden comes in with a blood bag holding it out to be. He always makes sure I feed. I take it. "Thank you." I drink the whole thing. "Hey you wouldn't happen to have any wine around here would you?" I ask. "Oh wine sounds good." Caleb says.

"I would. There is a wine cellar in the basement. I can go grab a bottle for you. Any particular kind?" He asks. "Red." I say. I like red the best. Personally I think it's do to my blood cravings. "OK I will be right back." Aiden leaves to get it.

This morning when I saw Aiden and caught his scent I started having this craving for his blood. Isn't that weird. Today whenever I would see him I just wanted to sink my teeth into him. Andrea has also been pushing it being of no help to me. She wants me to mark him. I'm not even sure I have forgiven him yet.

I think I have. I want to. I want to be with him and be as close to him as I can. Now I have this craving for him. "Whats with you. You almost looked relieved to see him go. Has something happened between you two?" Caleb asks noticing my mood. I tell him about what I'm feeling with him lately. "I thought that maybe a glass of wine would help." I admit.

"Maybe you should tell him what your feeling. It's normal for vampire mates or ones to crave each other's blood. Your not crazy." He assures me. I'm not crazy for wanting to eat him. I just don't know if I'm ready for that.

Aiden comes with two bottles of wine. Why two? "I thought I would bring an extra just in case." He says grabbing three wine glasses. He opens the bottle and pours the three glasses and drink his glass in one gulp. Is he alright? He seems a little tense.

"Are you ok?" I ask him. "Yes I'm fine. Just worried is all." I nod. He's worried about Darach. Lycan claws were taken. Dad was pissed about it this morning when he called. Caleb groans. "Worried? Please. Just admit it both of you. Ugh." Caleb says.

Aiden narrows his eyes into a glare at Caleb. "Admit what?" He asks. Caleb smirks looking back and forth between us. "You two need to talk or just feed off of each other like you both want." My eyes widen, then glare at him. Why would he say that in front of Aiden?

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