ch. 27 Date

104 7 4

POV: Adalind

I've been here a week now. Aiden actually had the palace walls painted a light baby pink. That was all for me. I couldn't believe it. The inside of the palace got painted my favorite color all because I didn't like how dark and grey it was.

He stocked the kitchen for me. He asked me to make a list and he would make sure that everything on it would be taken care of. Whatever I wanted he did it. If I say I don't like something he fixes it to something that I like. He has really gotten to know me. I just wish I knew him. He's not very open.

Tonight he is finally taking me out on that date he asked me on. I'm so nervous. Maybe I can find some stuff about him on this date.

I just finished my lesson with Jasper but I failed. I can't get the handle on the mind dive. It's a struggle. I wish I knew what I was doing wrong. I do everything that Jasper says to do and I can't seem to get it. We've tried eye contact and touch. To be honest it's getting frustrating.

Caleb is actually comeing to visit. I asked Aiden if it would be ok if he could come. I miss him. I have made a friend here though. Her name is Corina. She's a vampire. She is apart of the royal council. Her job is to keep records of supernatural history and human history. She writes down the true accounts. The stuff in the history books are just a summary of what happened but not as it truly went down.

When I first met Corina I had gotten lost. I had been exploring because I was bored. I ended up walking right into her. She helped me find my way back. We talked while she walked me back to my room. We ended up going to her office instead. In the course of our conversation we got into history talks.

She had some written accounts on where Cleopatra's tomb may be. We went to take a look at them. It was so interesting. Aiden went in search of me and found me there. We were in deep conversation about it. Thats how I became friends with Corina.

Now I'm getting ready for my date. He won't tell me where he's taking me. I think Aiden likes surprises. I take a shower and dry off. I wrap my wet hair in a towel to dry. I walk into my room completely naked. If someone walks in thats there fault. As a werewolf nudity isn't really a big deal. Though no one has ever seen me naked before.

Aiden did tell me the dress code. He said to wear something semi formal. I pick out a black velvet sweetheart mid thigh dress with black sheer long sleeves flared at the end with lace edging. I wear a pair of nude colored leggings since it's cold outside and snowing. I then grab a pair of black three inch heel booties with little tassels.

I unwrap my hair and put some products in it and spray some heat protectant in it. The I blow dry my hair and use my biggest curling wand on my iron. After I've styled my hair I do my make up. I just do a some natural look with a black winged eyeliner.

Aiden requested that I meet him in the entree so I go there where I see him standing there waiting for me.

A finish the look off with a little bat necklace stacked with a black choker and a some chain necklace. I wear a pair of simple diamond stud earrings.

I meet Aiden where he requested. He's wearing a black pair of pants and a dark grey button down with a blazer. "You look lovely." He compliments. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." I complement him.

He holds my hand leading me out the palace to a car. We get in the backseat of the vehicle and the driver drives the car to our location. "Where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see." Is all he says. "You like surprises don't you or do you just like to see me squirm?" He smirks. "Both. Mostly to see your reactions and to see you squirm." He is just evil.

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