Ch. 37 Bubble Bath

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POV: Adalind

I am totally freaked out. It's all happening. He has my blood. I've been shaken up all day since I found out. I didn't know. I never even thought anything of it when I bumped into that person.

It's about ten o'clock at night now. I've been laying here for about an hour now. I thought if I laid down I would feel better but I don't. My mind is too clouded and I'm too shaken and scared. It's all my fault. If I had paid more attention this wouldn't have happened. I'm the one that had kept him from doing the spell. I think things would have been better off had I not been born. Why did I have to be born on the stupid blood moon of all days.

Aiden enters our bedroom quietly. "Your still up. Why aren't you asleep yet?" Aiden asks. "I can't sleep." I say. "What's wrong?" He asks. I tell him all my fears and how I'm feeling. "This is all my fault. I never should have been born." I finish venting out to him ending in tears.

He grabs my face holding my cheeks in both his hands making me look at him. "Don't you ever say or think that again. This is not your fault." He says gently but sternly at the same time. His thumbs wipe away my tears. "But it is. Aiden I'm so scared. If I had been..." Aiden cut me off by kissing me hard.

I respond right away. My hands go right to his hair. He slips his tongue in my mouth exploring every corner. I moan into the kiss. He moves me so I'm straddling his lap. His hands hold on to my hips. We pull back for some air breathing harshly.

"Stop thinking bad about yourself. I will shut you up every time you do. I will remind you of how much you are loved and wanted every single time until you get the message." Aiden says seriously.

If this is what happens when I think bad about myself then I might just keep doing it. Aiden sets me on the bed beside him and dissappear into the bathroom. Its about fifteen minutes later that he comes back inside the room.

Then he goes into the closet and grabs some clothes but they aren't his. What is he doing. He goes back in the bathroom. This time it was five minutes before he came back.

"Alright get up. Go take a nice warm relaxing bath. I drew one up for you. Go on." Aiden says urging me to go.

In the bathroom he has filled tub up already with lots of bubbles. He added a bath bomb and bath salt to it. I can smell some essential oils. The water is nice and warm.

I lay back in the tub turning on the jets. This helps relax all my muscles. I close my eyes and just enjoy.

I nearly jump when I feel something touch me on my shoulders only to see that it's just Aiden. Wait! I'm naked. Aiden's never seen me like this before. He rubs my shoulders and neck. I'm so embarrassed of him seeing me like this. No one has ever seen me naked before nor touch me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him anxiously. "Taking care of you and helping you relax." He answers. "Yes and I thank you but do you have to be in here?"

"Yes. Why? Are you embarrassed? There is no reason to be." Aiden answers. "Easy for you to say. A lot of people have seen you naked but not me. Especially not like this." I say. He just laughs.

"Adorable." He mumbles. How is this adorable? "Adalind do you not trust me?" He asks. I'm caught off guard when he asks that. Do I trust him? Can I trust him. Yes I have forgiven him but I have not forgotten.

I love him and want to be with him for the rest of my life of all of eternity as we are immortal beings. He's been with so many women i would imagine and here I am very inexperienced. I've never even had a boyfriend.

I think I know my answer. "Yes I trust you." I moan out as Aiden rubs certain spot on my shoulder blade. His movements feel amazing. "You know it's ok to not to. Though you should lose the jealousy. Your the only one I want." He says.

How can I not be jealous of everyone he has ever been with. "I'm not jealous." I say. Like I would ever admit to him that I am. "Really because thats not what it sounded like to me but thats ok."

"Whatever." I say rolling my eyes. Aiden just continues to rub my shoulders and neck. His thumb lingers on my pulse in my neck. I know he wants to feed on me but can't. I have felt this too. I've had to keep myself in check a lot. I have found myself having to pull away from him to prevent myself from feeding on him.

"I can't wait for the moment I can sink my teeth into you." He says. I moan hearing this. I'm so glad I'm not the only one to feel this way. "I wish there was some kind of short cut or cheat we could do." I say.

"Unfortunately there's not. If I could find a way to get around it all I would but there is nothing I can do. We will have to wait."

I'm ready to get out now feeling relaxed. "Can you go so I can get out please?" I ask him bashfully. "No. I can help you. Remember I'm taking care of you." He grabs my towel and holds it out for me.

It looks like he's not going anywhere. I stand up with my back facing him. He wraps the towel around me and helps me out of the tub. "Aiden I have to get dressed will you at least turn around?" I ask. He nods turning around.

I change into the clothes Aiden got out for me only to see he didn't give me on of my shirts. He got one of his. Its a dark grey button down dress shirt. Was it on accident? I don't have anything else so I just slip the shirt on. Its very big on me. You can't even tell I'm wearing shorts.

"OK all done. I think you accidentally grabbed one of your shirts instead." I say embarrassed at wearing his shirt.

He smirks. "I did it on purpose. I figured since we're about to get married and complete our bonds that I would start working you up to the other stage." He says. Oh. He's talking about mating.

I do want to mate with him. I'm just nervous about the whole thing but him just sitting there with me naked covered in the bubbles of the bath wasn't so bad. I guess he wants me to get used to intimate settings together like that so I'm not so anxious with it.

In a weird way thats kind of sweet. "You want to mate with me?" I question him. "Yes but please don't call it that. It's just sex. Thats weird." Aiden complains. He is so picky with words and what things are called. Its just one of Aiden's quirks I guess. I love him anyway for it all.

"Whatever it's all the same thing. I'm a wolf and thats what we call it. That is the proper term 8n the mating bond."

"I don't care. It's still weird but I won't force you to change how you see it. Call it what you want but not around me."

"You're being grumpy now." I tell him. He has this offended expression cross his face. "I am not grumpy. " he turns on his heels going into the bedroom. I follow him out. He goes into the closet and comes out in just a pair of sleep pants. He has no shirt on. This is how Aiden normally sleeps. I still can never take my eyes off of him when he's like that.

"Keep looking at me like that and you won't be able to walk in the morning." He says smirking. "Oh yes please." Andrea howls. She wants to mate so badly. I blush looking away from him. I hope in bed snuggling under the covers. Aiden turns the lights out and slides in bed next to me. He pulls me to him laying my head on his bare chest stroking my hair. I feel so much better in this one moment. I wish I could just capture it and bottle it up.

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