Ch. 34 Garalt's Lessons

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POV: Adalind

I wake up in bed alone. Aiden has already gotten up. I've been sleeping with Aiden in his bedroom or our room now I guess. I stand up stretching my arms over my head yawning.

I take a quick morning shower and get ready for the day. I go down to the kitchen and fix some breakfast. I just pop some waffles in the toaster and put some Nutella on them.

I'm eating my waffles when a man comes into the kitchen. I don't know him and have never seen him here before. I can smell that he's a vampire which is odd. All the vampires here don't come in the kitchen. Aiden only does when I'm in here. I'm the only one that really uses it.

He grabs a carton of eggs, ham, cheese and some peppers. Looks like he's making an omelet. "Umm hi. What are you doing?" I ask. "Hmm you would think that a person would know an omelet when they see one." He says sarcastically.

"I can see that. I meant why are you doing that? I haven't seen anyone eat actual food here so far." I explain myself further. "No? Well they are definitely missing out. I enjoy human food." He says.

"Adalind? Are you in here?" Aiden comes in looking for me. "Yeah I'm just eating breakfast. Where were you?" I ask him. "I had a few phone calls to handle. I see you've met Garalt." He says. This is Garalt? My new teacher.

"I suppose so." I say. "Oh how rude of me. I didn't officially introduce myself. I'm Garalt and you must be my best students one." He says. I arch an eyebrow at Aiden. "Best student?" I ask. "Oh don't look so surprised. Someone had to teach him and now I get to teach you. You should drink some orange juice. It's good for the blood. It'll help get your mind flowing." Garalt says passing a glass of orange juice to me.

What does my mind have to do with any of this. "Did you explain to her what all we will be doing today?" Garalt asks Aiden. Aiden nods yes. Last night after my run Aiden explained that Garalt will be testing me today. He wants to see just what I can and can't do.

"I hope you're ready. Class starts in an hour." He says. I nod. Wow he seems like his lessons are going to be intense. I hope I can do this. "We got this girl." Andrea says confidently. I really hope she's right.

Aiden and I leave the kitchen and go to one of the lounge rooms. Aiden kisses me. "Good morning." I say. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" He asks. 8 don't know why he asks this when he slept next to me and would know if I hadn't. "Yes I slept fine. When did you wake up?" I ask. I wished he was there when I woke up. "I've been up for a few hours now." He answers.

We sit down on one of the couches. "Your father called and informed me that he will be arriving on Wednesday with your mother and brothers." Aiden says. "Oh I can't wait. Cam and Tate are so getting snow balls thrown at them when they arrive." Aiden laughs.

"Why is it they siblings are always out to get one another?" He says. "I don't know but at the end of the day we are family and would do anything for each other." I say. My brothers and I may annoy each other but we do love each other and will always have each other's backs.

We sit with each other and just enjoy being with each other for a bit. We do this every morning. Aiden and I have grown into a little bit of a routine. "You should get going. Garalt doesn't like to wait on people." Aiden breaks our little moment. "Ugh. Fine. Your not going with me?" He shakes his head no.

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