ch. 22 Cloaked

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POV: Aiden

We landed in Spain last night. I'm now at my Villa that I own here in Spain. I own at least one house in every country. I don't like hotels.

"The car is ready sire." Randell informs me. "Thank you. Let's go." We get in the car. My driver drives to the location. I'm meeting my old friend. He's not nessasarily a friend more like an acquaintance. His name is Thane. He's a wizard.

I'm not completely against their kind. They can be very useful and helpful. They just don't trust easily and everything with them comes at a price. If they do something for you they will demand something in return.

Their are different types of wizards. You have you normal everyday wizard. Then there are witches and warlocks. Sorcer, sorceress, mage. They can all basically do they same things but their powers do vary depending on the type of wizard you are. Thane is a warlock wizard to be more specific.

I meet him at his club. Thane runs a string of clubs all around Spain called vida which translates to life in English. It's day time so the club is empty right now. "Ah Aiden. Welcome." Thane greets me in Spanish. "Hello Thane. Let's skip the small talk today. I have an urgent matter to discuss." I say in Spanish. I have no patience for pleasantries.

"Straight to business it is then. What can I do for you?" He asks. We sit down at the bar and he pours us a drink handing one to me and another to Randell.

"I need to cloak someone. I don't want anyone to find her." I tell him. "May I ask the nature of why you need this?" He asks. "She's my one and in danger." I reply. "What kind of danger. What are you hiding her from?" He asks.

"It is of no concern to you. Can you do it or not?" I hiss out. "Testy much. It is of concern to me. I need to know if it would work. Depending on how strong a being is they could easily get through so again I ask what is after her."

"It's him. Darach." I say strained. A look of fear crosses his face. "It is very hard to over power him. I would work but it would only be temporary." He says. "How temporary?" I ask. "I could hold the spell for maybe a few months at the most. He will find a way through. I can work on trying to get through his if you want. It won't be easy."

"How would the spell work?" I ask. "I can do it from here. All I would need is some kind of connection to her and since your her one I can use you." He explains in detail of how he would preform this spell. "What is the price for all of this including breaking through his cloak so I can find him?" I ask.

"You know me so well. Going against Darach the price will be high. The price will be a favor. One day I will come to you and you will grant me a favor." He answers. A favor? I know it seems harmless but one favor can tear down a kingdom. I've seen it done. I agree to his terms. What the hell, kill a demon today, kill the devil tomorrow.

"Let us begin then." He says in English now. He holds his hands out for me to grab and I do. "Think of her." He instructs and begins speaking word in Latin. I think of Adalind and an image of her pops into my mind. She's sitting in a kitchen feeding out of a blood bag. I'm glad to see she is eating. Its 10 am here while where she is would be 3 or 4 pm.

I should call her when I get done with this. "Do you see her?" Thane asks. "Yes." I answer him. "Hold on to that image. Keep your sights on her."

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