Chapter 24 New Message

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POV: Adalind

I'm sitting in my bedroom with Aiden. Alone. "Where are you taking me tomorrow?" I ask. "I told you thats a surprise." He says. "At least give me a hint." I say. He chuckles. "Nope. No hints." He says. Ugh.

"What did you and my dad talk about?" I ask. "Just stuff about you and the situation. Nothing you need to worry about." I roll my eyes. Why is it that people thi know that a girl can't handle anything so they keep them in the dark.

"Have you been feeding?" He asks me. "Yes. Jasper always makes sure. Sometimes he makes me more than once a day." He nods.

I don't know how to act around him. I fidget around. "Can I talk to mate? I want him to meet me." Andrea asks. "I'm not sure Andrea. He's not very font of wolves. I don't want you to get hurt." I tell her. I know she wants to spend time with him to. He's her mate too.

"Is something wrong?" Aiden asks. "Its just Andrea. She wants you to meet her too but I don't know how you feel about that part of me yet." I admit.

"Andrea is your wolf right?" I nod yes to confirm. "This is what is know. I know I want you and I am willing to accept every part of you even Andrea. I want all of you." He says. "Well Andrea what do you say?"

"Yes! Talk mate now!" She demands. I laugh as she pushes trying to take control. "I'm not going to shift I'll just bring her forward. Andrea you better behave." I say letting her have control. I stay present not letting her get full control. "Hello. I'm Andrea."

"It's nice to meet you Andrea." Aiden smiles. "I told Adalind you would eventually give in but she never believed me." Why did she have to say that. Wolves are so embarrassing sometimes.

Aiden chuckles. "Yes it took me some time but I got there." He says. "I was worried you would only like Adalind and still am but I had faith that you would give in to that to." She admits to him. "Your quite the optimistic wolf." Aiden comments.

"Someone has to be. Adalind is to but she tends to focus on worse parts of things. She doesn't get a whole lot of positive stuff." She's right. All anyone does is look at me like I'm different and a freak.

"I imagine she had a good reason to. Being a hybrid couldn't have been easy." Aiden says. "Nope. Sometimes she would cry herself to sleep. No one wanted to be our friend. Sorry Adalind I probably shouldn't have told you that."

"Why? Is she mad?" Aiden asks. "More like embarrassed. She doesn't like for people to know about that stuff. Sometimes she avoids her feelings like mom does."

"She doesn't have to hide that stuff from me. I'll be right here for both of you. Whatever you two need or want it's yours." Aiden say sweetly. "I'm glad you accept me. I feel better now. You can have Adalind now."

"Hi." I say quietly. "Adalind?" I nod. "Did you hear all of that?" He asks. "Yes. And I really wish she didn't say some of it." I admit embarrassed. "I meant every word. You don't have to hide things from me. I'm a patient man."

"I would imagine you would need to be." I comment. "Adalind mom and dad are here." Cameron links me. I tell Aiden that my parents are here. We go downstairs to greet them.

First thing I did was punch dad's arm. "Ouch. What the hell was that for?" He asks. "She found out that Tate and I did not in fact take her brownies. It was you and you put the blame on us." Cameron answers for me.

Mom slaps the back of dads head. "Dont blame my kids for something you did." We all laugh. "I'm sorry baby. I was already at risk that day because I switched your coffee. I didn't want to be stabbed as well. The boys can take it." Dad says.

"What. Did . You. Do. To. My. Coffee?" Mom says. That is one thing you never mess with is moms coffee. Dad is in trouble. "He switched it for decaf." Tate reveals.

"All of you would sell me out in a heart beat wouldn't you. This is your fault." Dad points at mom. "How is that my fault?" She asks. "Because you raised them to gang up on me like that. You made it a goal."

"You would think that the winter Lycan could take on his own kids. And not be afraid of his daughter." Cameron teases. "Is that a challenge?" Dad asks. "Maybe. I bet I can get to uncle Liam's pack faster. Whoever gets to Uncle Liam first and drags him here wins." Cameron challenges. "Your on. Right now." Dad accepts. They both go outside with Tate.

"I love your hair sweetheart. It is very you." Mom says. "Thank you." I say. "Yeah she's moved on to pink shades now. What's the next color adventure for your hair. Maybe green." Tate says playfully. "I thought you went with Cam and Tate."

"I did and now they're running through the forest. I'm 15. I haven't shifted yet." He says. All lycans and werewolves first shift at 16. At the age twelve is when you become acquainted with your wolf. You can talk to them.

"Adalind can I talk to you for a minute?" Mom asks. "Um yeah mom." We go in to Cameron's office that used to be dads. Aiden follows us. I've noticed he hasn't left my side much all day. He only did during my lesson with Jasper. "What is it mom?" I ask.

"I have a message for you. Both of you actually. The waring species will unite in union must be done on the next blood moon." Mom says. "So this prophecy is going to take place on the blood moon?" I ask. "Yes." Mom answers.

"I'll have to look into when the next blood moon is." Aiden says. "Its next month on the full moon." I tell him. "How do you know that?" He asks. "I've always been able to feel when a blood moon is near. My blood lust is always harder to control on that night. I get a little stronger too." I explain.

"I guess that makes sense since your a blood moon born. Your connected to the moon." Aiden says in understanding. I guess we have a month to figure this all out.

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