Chapter 19 failed lessons

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POV: Adalind

"Would you just relax. Nothing bad is going to happen." I tell Cameron. He's second guessing weather he should let me compell him or not. I'm in my lesson now with Jasper.

"I swear Adalind anything goes wrong Logan is going straight to dad and he is gone." Cam says pointing to Jasper. "Are you two ready to begin or are we going to just stand here and argue all day?" Jasper asks annoyed. Cam glares at him.

"Let's get this over with." Cameron says. "OK then begin. Start with having him do an activity." Jasper instructs.

I make my eye contact and push slightly. Compulsion is similar to a mindlink. Your basically entering that same space of mind. "Run around the room."

"Nope. Not doing it." Cameron smirks. "I don't get it. I did everything the same as before. What do I do wrong?"

"Remember his mind is more guarded. It will take more strength to break through that barrier. You have to be more assertive with it." Jasper explains.

I nod and try again. "Play pat a cake." I push harder. Cameron laughs. "Haha seriously pat a cake? Come on is that all you got" He challenges.

"Your on." Cameron knows I can't stand down to a challenge. Neither one of us ever could. I go in like I'm commanding him to do this. Almost like an alpha command. I can't actually do that because I'm not an actual alpha.

"Make me a sandwich." I say. Cameron starts to walk out the room and I follow him. He walks all the way to the kitchen and makes my sandwich. "Good. Now let go." I let the compulsion go ending it. Cameron glares at me. "I'm eating this." He claims the sandwich he just made me taking a bite.

"Is that it?" Cam asks. "No that was the easiest form now to make you tell her something." Jasper says. I struggled a little yesterday with this part.

"Tell me we're you really out studying with Logan or did you go to that concert?" I ask doing everything the same only pushing a tad harder. "Not telling little sister." Damn it.

"Try again." Jasper says. I do it again pushing even harder. "Who broke dads elephant ceramic?" I know it was him. He just never fessed up to it. "Wouldn't you like to know." He smirks know i failed again.

"Again." Jasper says. I try again and it still didn't work. Ugh what am I doing wrong. We tried it three more times and still nothing. "OK thats enough for today. We will try again tomorrow." Jasper says ending the session.

"Wait what did I do wrong?" I ask. "Nothing. You did everything right. Your ability just needs to strengthen a little more. That comes with time and practice. The more you use the ability the strong the ability gets." He explains.

"So you were testing me to see how far I could go?" I say. "Yes. It's important that I know where your abilities are and the limits they are. You hit your limit today. From now on you'll compell a few people a day and your brother. Practicing on him the most will push you and strengthen the agility more."

I nod in agreement. Aiden and I have agreed to video call after my lessons. Aiden likes a schedule and for things to be a certain way. This time when I went to do the call he had already opened one so I answered it.

"Hey. Where are you?" I ask. He's in a different room then a normally has been when we do these calls.

"In my bedroom. I had to take a shower." He answers. Andrea sends an image of him in the shower. I feel my cheeks heat up. "Why are you blushing?" He asks with a knowing look. "Huh? I'm not. Why did you have to take a shower now anyway?" I ask.

"Because I was dirty from my search. I thought Darach may have been hidden in some tunnels." He answers. "I bet he is dirty." Andrea says. "Down girl. That is not happening any time soon." I tell her.

"Talking to you wolf and ignoring me now I see." He says. "Hmm? No she just being annoying and saying things. You should really watch what you say. She just had some very colorful thoughts just at the word dirty." I explain to him. He chuckles. I don't get to see him smile very much but he has a beautiful smile.

"So I probably shouldn't say that she's being naughty." He says. "No he should not." Andrea says sending some very graphic images to me. "Why did you have to say that. Was that some kind of joke?" I say.

"Am I not allowed to joke?" He asks. I hold my mouth open. "You can. I just find it hard to believe that your capable of joking around." I admit.

"I'm capable of more than you know. How was lessons today?" He asks. "Not great. He tested my limits today and I failed. I tried five times and still could not do it." I complain.

"What was your limit?" He asks and I tell him. "Thats not that bad. The fact that you were able to get the first part done after two tries mean your further along. I'm sure by the end of the week you'll have it completely down. The next step will be the mind dive."

"OK. Let's talk about something else." I say. "Alright what was your major?" He asks. "Archeology." I answer. "Why?"

"Because I want want to travel around the world and experience different cultures and explore lost cities and make new discoveries. Find the meaning of life and stuff like that."

"Interesting. What places would you like to see?" He asks. "I don't know. Maybe the pyramids in Egypt or the cities and ruins in Rome."

"You know before I was turned i was from Greece but then the battle of Corinth happened and it was over taken by Rome." Aiden reveals. He lived through the Corinthian.

"Really? What was it like then?" I ask. "The same as today. Thing have just advanced more but the needs and wants of man kind have not changed. Morals have though."

"How have morals changed?" He smiles. "I didn't call you to give you a history lesson." He says. "It's not. I just want to know what your life was like."

"It was long." He responds. "Long? That's all I get?" He smirks. "Yes. Why? Were you hoping to get some kind of secret out of me?"

"No. I just want to know you is all." I tell him honestly. "You will." He says. We talk for a few minutes more before we end the call. I notice i have a missed text on my phone. I notice it's from an unknown number. I read it and all the blood drains from my face.

"I know where you are."

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