Ch. 28 Caleb

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POV: Aiden

Adalind's friend is coming for a visit today. He'll be staying for a week. She doesn't know a lot of people here and dragon boy's clan isn't to far from here. Adalind needs some kind of familiarity around. Jasper tells me she is still struggling with the mind dive. Perhaps having a friend would help her.

Jasper isn't sure what the problem is. She does everything he instructs her to do but it won't go through. I'm beginning to wonder if a hybrid doesn't have the ability. Maybe with being both species there is some give and take. One person can only handle so much power.

Thane hasn't had any luck with finding Darach. It's infuriating. I'm not in the best of moods today. I didn't sleep much last night due to almost losing control. The date with Adalind went fantastic but when we got back her zipper was stuck and she needed help.

I helped her of course but it was trying my resolve. The need to feed on her was great. I'm craving her. Her skin exposed like that being close all I wanted was to sink my teeth into her. It was when she turned around and made eye contact was I able to gain control and tell her to leave right then.

All through the night all I craved her. I tried blood bags but that didn't satisfy me. Then I tried and actual human but that still wasn't satisfying my hunger. There is only one thing that will and thats a problem. A vampire with an unsatisfied craving is a dangerous one. I could attack her suddenly with no control over my actions.

"Sire Mr. Caleb is here." Randell informs me. "Thank you Randell. I will just go grab Adalind." I go in search of her. I'm sure she's with Corina. She is a council member. Her job is historical records. Adalind likes talking to her because she lets her read through all our history records.

At least she has someone to talk to here beside me and Jasper. She doesn't really know Randell to much. Sure enough I find Adalind in Corina's office looking at a scroll. I knock on the opened door. Adalind looks up. "Hey I thought you were busy." She says. "I was but dragon boy has arrived." I inform her.

She smiles widely. "He has a name you know. Why do you call him that?" She says getting up from her seat leaving the scroll. "I know his name is Caleb but I prefer dragon boy."

"I guess thats his super hero name then or something like that." She jokes. I lead her to the entrance where Caleb is. "Pinkie! Wow you upgraded girl." Caleb says. "No. It's almost the same as back home." She says.

"You know I wouldn't have expected a vampire palace to be painted pink on the inside or is that just blood you couldn't wash out and got tired of repainting?" Caleb says. Is that suppose to be some kind of joke.

I had the walls painted pink for Adalind since she didn't like how grey it was. "Haha. No. It was grey before actually." Adalind laughs. I didn't find it very funny. "Oh so you had it painted pink. You just won't be satisfied until the world is painted pink will you." He jokes again.

"Nope and why not. Pink is an amazing color." Adalind says half jokingly. Adalind is very obsessed with the color pink. "Oh how rude of my. Hello vampire Aiden." He says politely. "Hello."

"You can go back to work now. I can show Caleb around and we can meet up later." Adalind says to me. "Trying to get rid of me are we?" I smirk. "No I know you were busy and don't want to keep you away. I'll be fine." She says urging me to go. "Alright have fun gossiping. Behave."

I leave them be. I wasn't actually that busy. I just needed a breather from her before I lost control and fed on her forcefully.

As I've mentioned before it doesn't take me long to do my daily royal duties. I mainly just deal with situations as they come. The only situation I have has no progress right now. The blood moon. Is in three weeks. I have yet to figure out what this union is suppose to be. According to the moon blessed the union must happen on the blood moon.

Union could be a lot of things. My best guess is a political union. Two species becoming allies. Maybe a treaty needs to be signed. The prophecy did state union in peace. There's just something telling me that a political union isn't what it means.

Jax did inform me this morning that a Lycan went missing and was found this morning left in a coma with his fingers cut off. Darach has the Lycan claws now. All that is left is wolf fur, blood of a virgin and Adalind's blood. He could get all of those ingredients just from Adalind.

This makes me even more protective of her. I need her ready now more than ever. We have three weeks to figure this all out.

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