Ch. 35 Family

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POV: Adalind

I just got done eating my breakfast. Aiden sat with me as I did. Early this morning someone came to see Aiden. Randell had to wake him up in turn waking me up. I wasn't very happy about it. Aiden made me go back to sleep while he went to go see what was going on.

"Hey who came this morning?" I ask him. "His name is Thane. He's the warlock that cloaked you. I've had him searching for Darach to see if he could get through his cloak." He explains. "Did he?" I ask. If he can get through Darach's cloak what's to say Darach can't do the same with me.

"Yes and no. He knows a round about where he is but he keeps moving around but does only frequent in one place." He answers.

"Where?" I ask. "Somewhere I've suspected for a while now. Remember how I was going to Greece but ended up going to Spain. My hunch was right he has mainly stayed in Greece." He says.

"Why would you think he was there?" I ask curiously. "Because things seem to be rearing their end with this situation. All things come full circle. I first encountered Darach in Greece. Specifically the dark wood. "

"Whats that?" I ask. He smiles. "This was before even I was born but according to legend the dark wood once held a very bright and lively village until one day it went into darkness. This village worshipped the selene the moon goddess. Her temple was placed in the center of the village. One day the temple was attacked by Hades the God of the underworld. He killed the priestess and the village was consumed into darkness cursing the land into the dark wood." He tells me a story.

"Why would Hades do that?" I ask. He chuckles. "Enough questions. Sometimes I think you like me better as a professor that your one." He says.

"And why can't you be both?" I ask smirking. He smirks back. "It sounds to me like someone has had a few to many fantasies on the subject." I blush. To be honest I have. I can't help it especially not with Andrea encouraging it.

My phone then vibrates. I check it to see that mom has texted me telling me that they are fifteen minutes away. I asked her to so I can surprise attack my brothers and dad. I squeal. "What is it?" Aiden asks. "Mom and dad will be here soon. They're close I have to go." I don't even wait for him and run outside to take my position.

I spent some time yesterday preparing making some snowballs. While I hide myself I make a few more setting them up and holding one in each hand waiting. Aiden comes out of the palace holding my coat and brings it to me with some gloves. "Put them on at least." He orders me. I roll my eyes doing what he wants so he's satisfied. I shoo him away. I don't want him to give me away. He shakes his head walking to the door.

Aiden just stands by the door waiting for my family's arrival. Randell, Garalt and Jasper join him. Aiden points at me showing them where I'm hiding. They all look at me and Garalt laughs.

Three minutes later the car pulls up. I wait for the perfect moment. They get out the car. Dad opens the door for mom while Cameron and Tate get out from the back seat. They walk towards Aiden and the others. I listen in on them. "Where is Adalind?" Dad asks. "She will be out in just a minute. She went to go get her coat." Aiden says as a cover for me.

Aiden introduces Garalt to them. "Your daughter is quite something. Has him wrapped around her finger." Garalt says. I do not.

"Of course the brat does." Cam says. Oh he is so getting it calling me a brat. "Hey Cam you may want to duck." I mindlink him. He has this confused look on his face. I run out and throw a snow ball at his head. "Thats for calling me a brat!" I say and throw one at dad. "Hey! What was that for?" Dad says. I just throw another one after the other.

Mom is almost rolling laughing at them. A snowball hits dad clean in the face. "Thats it!" Dad points at me and chases me. I scream running around laughing. Dad catches me and lifts me up throwing me over his shoulder. "Hey no fare!" I yell.

"Aiden help!" I say trying to get out of Dads hold. Aiden just laughs. "Sorry you did this to yourself. " he says. "Traitor."

Dad put me down. A snowball then hit me. Cam threw one at me. I narrow my eyes at him and grab a handful of snow making a ball and throwing it at him. It hit him right where it hurts. He doubles over. "Damn that had to hurt." Garalt comments. "OK thats enough. You alright son?" Dad says holding a ginger up at me.

We go inside the palace. Tate was happy to finally be inside from the cold. We don't get snow where we're from. "Wow I wouldn't expect it to be pink." Mom says. I laugh. "It was grey before." I say.

A few hours later after my family was shown to their rooms mom and I cook lunch. We made some tomato soup with grilled cheese since they are so cold.

I call them all to come eat once mom and I are done. "How have you been here Adalind?" Dad asks me. "Fine. I did the mind dive finally." I answer. "Oh thats so great. I'm so happy for you." Mom says.

"Oh wow that looks great. May I join you?" Garalt asks. "Uh sure." I answer. He grabs a bowl and fixes him some sitting down. "I didn't think vampires eat food." Dad questions. Garalt explains how vampire don't need to but they can if they want. Garalt does.

"Miles tells me he's retiring. I'm glad for him. He's been struggling as of late." Garalt says. Who's Miles? "Yes a replacement will be sent within the month." Dad answers. "Um who is Miles?" I ask. Cam and Tate look just as confused as me. Mom seems not to be though. "Ask Aiden about it." Dad says. It seems he can't talk about it.

"Anyway Penny is pregnant again." Mom changes the subject. "Aw thats amazing." I say. "Ha. I feel bad for the pup. It will have Lucy as a sister." Tate grumbles. Lucy and Tate have a love hate relationship. Tate gets very annoyed with her. Lucy doesn't mind annoying him either.

We talk the while we eat our lunch. After dad went to speak with Aiden. It's a political thing when two kings or Alphas visit they have a meeting with one another.

I show Mom the garden. We walked through it as we talked. "How have you been settling in here. I know you said your were fine but I know that was just for you father's sake."

"It hasn't always been easy but it is getting better. Caleb came to visit last week. He'll be back for the wedding. Oh look what Aiden did." I show her my ring that Aiden proposed with. I tell her about what he did. "Awe you seem happy with him."

"I am. He doesn't pressure me into being a certain way nor does he make me feel I have to be. I feel more free here than I ever have." I admit.

"Well thats good. You're finally getting everything you wanted. How do you feel about marrying him? Are you ready because it's ok if you're not."

I assure her that I'm fine with it. Aiden has been putting in a lot of effort to make this wedding not seem forced. I'm happy here. Most of all I'm free and can be me and not have to worry what everyone else will think or see me as. It's truly a relief.

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