Ch. 32 proposal

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POV: Adalind

Caleb and I went shopping today. I wanted to get out of the palace for a little bit to clear my head. I had a lot on my mind. Especially from last night. I told Caleb about what happened last night. He was very shocked. He ended up dragging me to a dress shop. We couldn't get an actual wedding dress since they take months in advance to prepare for. I've only got three weeks. I'm not even sure how we're going to do this.

I did end up picking a few dresses out though. I've just gotten done with my lesson with Jasper. It sucked. He told me that Aiden is bringing in someone that might can help. I'm not sure who it could be. I mean I've had two teachers for this so far and now I'm getting a third because I've become the unteachable in mind dive.

I don't even know if I can. What if hybrids can't do it. I know I'm probably being dramatic about this but it's how I feel right now. A lot is happening and I'm not sure I'm ready for it. I know last night i was more than ready to complete my bond with Aiden but the whole marriage thing makes it different. It makes it real.

I know I said I was ready and ok with it last night and I am but it's scary. It feels like we're only doing this to defeat Darach. Does Aiden even want this? "He wouldn't have agreed if he didn't." Andrea says. "But it might be just to defeat Darach. He has been trying for a very long time." I reveal my fear to her.

"Adalind mate would not marry us unless he wanted to. We were basically going to last night. It's just a ceremony to show our love to one another. Stop overthinking it." Andrea tells me. I know deep down that she's right but I still have doubts. I don't think I fully trust Aiden yet even though I have forgiven him.

"Hey pinkie all done? How'd it go?" Caleb says. We agreed to meet in my room once I was done. "It went horrible. I suck at this." I complain.

"Well let's take your mind off of that then. Is something bothering you?" He asks. I tell him whats bothering me about the whole getting married thing.

"Girl, no way is he doing this all to defeat a life long enemy. He painted his palace pink for you for crying out loud. That old bat loves you." Caleb says reassuring me. "Eww don't make it sound like I'm marrying some old wrinkly guy." I laugh.

"What he is an old bat. Plus he calls me dragon boy. I reserve all rights to call him old bat." He says. I swear when they talk about each other they sound jealous of each other at times. I roll my eyes. "Let's watch a movie. " I suggest. He agrees and we pick a movie out.

Hours later I'm being shaken. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. "Adalind wake up." I hear Aiden's voice call out and sparks run up my arms. "Hmm." I hum opening my eyes to a veiw of Aiden's face.

I sit up looking around to see Caleb is no longer in the room. "Did you have a nice nap?" Aiden asks sounding nervous almost. Why would he be nervous? Did he do something?

"I did." I answer. He nods. "Good. Now get dressed and meet me at the back entrance door." He says. "Um why? Where are we going?" I ask. What is he up to? "You'll see when we get there. Now go on." He says and leaves. How do I even know what to where? I hate when people do that.

I just put on some black leggings and a burgundy sweater. I pair it with some pick fuzzy boots and go meet Aiden. I'm not in the mood to get to dressed up tonight. I just want to be comfortable.

I make my way to the back entrance. I haven't really been around this part of the palace. It leads out to a garden with a hedge maze. Since it's winter and snowing I haven't really been outside much. I'm not used to the snow yet.

Aiden is not around. Did I make it here before him? Randell appears holding my coat and an envelope. "Miss. Adalind i have been instructed to give you this and to tell you to put the coat on." He says. Ok? I take the envelope from him and put my coat on. As soon as I took the items Randell disappeared.

What is going on here? On the envelope is my name and the word open. I guess I'm supposed to open it. "Open it." Andrea says excitedly. She always did like stuff like this. I open it to find a small piece of paper that says to follow the lights. What lights? I look around for these lights only to see a pathway of small LED tea light candles outside.

"What are you waiting for follow them. See what mate is doing." Andrea urges. She's excited about this. It makes me wonder if she knows what's going on. I follow the path of lights. I'm glad they're leading the way because I would get lost in this maze.

I make my way through the snowy lit path until I come in veiw of a gazebo in the middle of the snowy hedged maze. Fairy lights are strung all around the gazebo. Aiden stands in the middle waiting for me. I smile. This is so sweet.

"What is all this?" I ask stepping inside the gazebo. "Well I wanted to do things the right way." He says. "I don't understand." I'm confused.

He smiles. I wish I could see that smile more. "It's about last night. I don't want this to feel forced or that we feel we don't have a choice in the matter. It is your choice. I won't force you to do this." He says.

Is he? Andrea howls wagging her tail. "Isn't it. I mean aren't you doing this just so you can stop Darach? It's not really our choice is it?" I admit my doubts to him. He loses his smile at my words. He takes my face in his hands. His skin is cold to the touch but what vampire isnt. "Adalind no. I don't care about that. I only care about you and what you want. It is your choice. I love you and only you." He says.

He loves me. This is the first time that he has said this. "You do?" I question sounding vulnerable. "Yes I love you Adalind." He confesses. Tears blur my vision. "I love you too." I admit. I really do love him. Maybe this engagement isn't forced after all.

Aiden reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small cube velvet box. He lowers down kneeling on one knee opening the box. "Adalind will you marry me?"

Oh. My. Goddess. He just. I can't believe he just did that. I cover my mouth with my hands in disbelief. "Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!" Andrea howls happily. "Yes." I say say.

Aiden slides the ring on my finger. I love the ring. It has three rubies and four little diamonds on a gold band. It's beautiful. Aiden stands up and kisses me. I actually feel happy and accepted. Tears run down my face.

Aiden wipes my tears away kissing me. "I love you Adalind." He says. I could hear those words forever.

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