Ch. 31

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POV: Aiden

I wake up in a room that is not my own. My arms are wrapped around something warm. It's Adalind. Last night we almost ruined everything. I almost ruined everything.

It was not my intention to hurt her even though I knew the second I said no it did. She did not understand the significance of me saying no. Later on that night I went to check on her to make things right. It was clear on her face that she'd been crying.

I watched her sleep for a while before she woke up. After she confessed her feelings to me I lost all resolve. I tried to fight it but I couldn't. Not anymore. We both knew we were ready to complete this thing. Unfortunately we were interrupted and told to stop.

If we completed our bonds it would have ruined everything. The union we are to have is a marriage. I now know what needs to be done. Why Adalind is both vampire and werewolf. Two blood lines needed to merge. In marriage peace will be called. Adalind is a werewolf princess.

In our marriage of union there will be peace between our species. Adalind is the bridge to this. In us feeding on each other our blood will merge and be one solidifying peace between us.

I assume we can do other things but I want to do things right. Adalind is innocent. I want to marry her first.

After we ended the call and I went to go to my bedroom she asked me to stay and I couldn't deny her that. This is how I ended up here.

I lay here until she wakes. I can feel her stirring in my arms. Her head turns to look behind her to see me. "Good morning." I say. "Morning." She says back.

She moves to a sitting position. She does a cute little yawn and rubs her eyes. "Did you sleep ok?" I ask. I slept better than I have in a long time.

"I slept fine. Better than fine actually." She says. "Good." I say. "We should stay here all day." She says snuggling into the covers. "Tempting but what about your friend. He did come all this way just to see you." I remind her.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that." I chuckle. "You should get up and go get dressed." I tell her.she nods getting up. She stretches as she stands. Then she goes to her closet and comes out with some fresh clothes on. "Hey can Caleb and I walk around town today?" She asks.

"Yes but some guards are going with you. Don't stay out too long though." She hasn't gotten out much since she's been here. She's cloaked but I'm still taking precautions just in case. "Do they have too? I'll be with Caleb." She whines.

"Its this or nothing." I tell her. I won't break. That whining won't work on me. It may on daddy but not me. She pouts but agrees to my terms. I get up leaving her to finish getting ready. I go to my bedroom to shower and pit on a fresh set of clothes.

Then I inform Randell to gather some guards up to take Adalind in town. I have some things to prepare for. Seems I have a wedding to plan in just three short weeks.

While Adalind is out of the palace today for a few hours I meet with my council informing them of the wedding and just what is to take place. I have sent Gabriel to find an old friend. Gabriel is one of my advisors. He is the one I had teach my class in my absence. I actually enjoyed teaching it.

Adalind will probably want to go back once this is all over with. I have no problem with that if thats what she wants. She likes to hear stories of history from me.

I go down to the basement where I have a vault. In this vault I have some very valuable items such as jewls and gold. There is a ruby ring that I want to give Adalind. I want to do this the right way. I don't want this to feel forced. Last night showed that we both want this. A marriage is a human thing but in this case it's a ceremony that will bring peace to our two species.

To do this right I'm going to propose. Why not? Let's do this the human way. It was once my way as I was human at one point in my life. I find the ring placed in a small black velvet box. The ring has a golden band with three small rubies and four smaller diamonds. Two diamonds are set between the rubies. She's a werewolf so I can't give her a silver ring. That would hurt her.

I'll ask her tonight when I can be alone with her. I put the box in my pocket and head up to my study so I can get some work done. It doesn't take me long. It normally takes about an hour or two, if that. I barely even have to look at the page anymore to read it. The only time it takes me a little longer to read something is when I have to read it out loud.

Someone knocks on my door and I let them in. Jasper enters my study. "Sire I can not find Adalind for lessons today. Do you know where she is?" He asks.

"She went out today with her dragon friend. They will be back in a few hours. How are her lessons going?" I ask. He sighs sitting down in the chair in front of me. "To be honest not well. She was doing great until we got to the mind dive part. I think that maybe you should try blood sharing. It might help. If not I don't know what the problem is." He says.

"Blood sharing isn't an option right now. We can't until the blood moon as I explained during our council meeting." I explain. There is something blocking her from doing a mind dive. I wonder if it's the cloak or maybe her mind is blocked off. "There is someone comeing soon that may be able to help her with this but until then keep trying." I tell him.

I contact Thane to see if the cloak could cause this. He doesn't respond but he will later when he sees my text. I know only one other person that could possibly help Adalind with this. We have sped her lessons up to what they would normally be. She may not be strong enough to preform the act. This person is even older than I am.

Adalind suddenly comes in without even knocking. "Hey I'm back. Hey Jas." She says. I smell blood. It's almost fresh and hers. "Are you bleeding?" She looks confused for a minute looking her self over. On the back of her arm is a blood stain on her sleeve. "Oh it's healed now. I must have scraped my arm against something. I didn't even feel it." She says.

"Be more careful next time. Now please go change your shirt. It's hard being around your blood." I tell her. "Why? You used to torture me with blood all the time and you want me to leave because my blood is this close to you?" She say with a hint of a tease.

"Adalind. Go. Change. Your. Shirt now!" I tell her.  She rolls her eyes. "Your no fun." She leaves. She's in a daring mood today testing me.

Jasper gets up and leaves most likely to start her lesson. I decide to plan my proposal for tonight and set everything up. I just hope she likes it.

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