Ch. 41 Wedding

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POV: Aiden

It's dark now. The moon is out and almost at It's peek. Nothing is has happened so far since I saw Darach in the garden with Adalind. She had go for a run and I happened to step outside for a minute when I saw them.

He forced a mind dive in her. He knew exactly what he was doing. I don't know if it was some kind of trick or what. The Goddess contacting Adalind herself like that it must be true. All this time Darach was just a curse on a person.

This is Hades doings. I know peace is needed more than ever in this time. I stand at the end of the isle waiting. This is it.

Adalind's family sits on one side while some of my friends sit on the other side. I don't have any living family any longer. Garalt stand in the middle at the front of the isle putting him between Adalind and I.

Adalind appears wearing a knee length white dress. There was no time to get an actual wedding dress. She's still beautiful either way. She has her arm interlocked with Jax as they walk down the isle.

A darkness is felt in the room. A dark smoke invades covering the room. The walls seem to start chipping and crumbling slowly. Just keep going. Once its done its done. Adalind makes it all the way down the isle. A pillar in the back falls suddenly causing everyone in the room to jolt.

"It's ok everyone. Just stay where you are." Garalt says. He knows what is happening. "Shall we get started?" Adalind and I both nod yes. We join our hands. "We have gathered here today to witness the love and marriage of Aiden and Adalind. I guess we can call them double A batteries." Garalt jokes to lighten the mood.

"In this union peace will be. Vampires, lycans and werewolves will be at peace once more and destroy the darkness that lurks. On this day peace is declared. Aiden your vows please." Garalt says.

"Adalind I vow to always love and put you first. I promise lifetimes full of adventures of the world." I say. I know it isn't much but in putting her first says everything that doesn't need to be said.

Another pillar drops. Black vines grow from the chipping walls. "I love you and vow to always come to you with my problems and tell you everything that is going on." She says.

"Is there anyone that rejects this union and feels these two should not be joined?" Garalt asks. I never understood why that question was always apart of a wedding.

"I object!" Darach appears in the middle of the isle. Adalind growls. "No one cares what you want." I declare. Darach begins to move closer but Thane magically puts a force field up to prevent him from coming any closer. Darach starts to break through it.

We need to hurry up and finish this. "OK. Now do you Adalind Rickson take Aiden Vandomir as your Mate. One and husband?"

"Yes. I do." Adalind says with no hesitation. "You may now mark and feed. Warning if you do not want to see this part. I would look away." Garlt says.

Adalind then sinks her teeth into my neck. I groan at the feeling. She moans from the taste. Adalind pulls away after a minute. "Do you Aiden Vandomir take Adalind Rickson as your one and wife?"

"I do." I say simply. "You may now feed." I do as Adalind did to me. I drink her blood and she taste even better than I imagined she would.

We are now one. Our bonds have locked into place. "Alpha King Jax Rickson do you declare peace to the vampire kingdom and Allow your daughter princess Adalind be the bridge that ties both species together?" Garalt says.

Darach is getting closer to getting out. A part of the wall collapses. "I do. I Alpha King Jax Rickson of the werewolf and Lycan kingdom. Father of Adalind Rickson declare peace to the vampire kingdom." Jax says.

Darach begins to scream. "Do you king Aiden Vandomir Declare peace to the werewolf and Lycan kingdom?"

"I do. I King Aiden Vandomir of the vampire kingdom declare peace to the Werewolf and Lycan Kingdom." I vow.

Darach screams even louder. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. King and queen. You may now kiss the bride."

I kiss her hard. "OK thats enough. A small peck will do." Jax complains. I roll my eyes. Darach roars yelling. The entire room shakes. A black substance seeps from the cracks in the wall. A light appears from above.

Thane let's go of his force field. The light surrounds him. It evades him smoking out the darkness. Once everything clears and settles. A man crouched down to the ground appears. He stands up. "Thanks you. Please take me now." He looks up. Another light comes and he fades away.

"He's at peace now." Haven says. She explains how this was the goddess plan all along. Hades had wanted to take over the earth and enslave all but needed a wizard to do it. He cursed a wizard of the first order and used him to do his bidding. Zeus had assigned Selene with dealing with Hades.

That story I told Adalind about the dark wood was true. The was her temple and it all really did happen. Sebastian was able to break of the darkness at times and stop some of his actions but it would always take back over making him Darach once more. Now he is with the goddess at peace.

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