Ch. 10 lessons

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POV: Adalind

It's Friday now and Caleb is trying to convince me to go to yet another party. I haven't been to one yet. I'm starting to think that is should go to at try it out. Who knows I might enjoy myself.

All week since Aiden hugged me he has been teaching me vampire things. I stay one hour after class and we work on my vampire skill. He mainly focuses on my control. He lays a human blood bag on his desk away from me and makes me sit there and hold myself there.

I have to learn to ignore it or find something else to focus on. It's really hard. I have both vampire and wolf sense of smell combined. He has me come everyday even if I don't have his class on those days.

I've learned so far that I'm most sensitive to human blood because it's a basic vampire instinct and craving. My mom is basically human but I don't go after her because I'm used to being around her and I am able to smell the wolf DNA in her blood. Apparently I pick that stuff up in the blood.

Werewolves smell more of the outside of a person. They can smell their species, personal scent, emotions, scents they've picked up. A vampire smells more of what's in the blood.

I'm on my way to his class now. I have to drop my assignment off anyway. Its not my best work. I was the only one that had to do it by myself though.

Aiden confuses me at times. He says he doesn't care but some of his actions say something else. During his lessons I have found it most easier to focus on him instead of the blood.

I enter the class room and take my seat. Aiden comes in and teaches the class. On everyone's way out of the classroom after he has dismissed the class they turn in their assignments.

Aiden grabs mine from my desk and sets it on his. Then he places a blood bag on my desk. I have to feed in front of him everyday. He doesn't trust that I'm feeding.

I do as told like always. "Good. Now begin." He says setting another blood bag on the desk like always. I sigh doing the same thing that I've done all week.

It's not as bad after I feed. The craving is lessened. It's still hard. The smell is very strong. I just breath it out trying to ignore it. I don't want to rely on always focusing on him for many reasons.

I try to focus on an object in the room instead. My gaze sets on the board. I read and reread whats on the white board. It's hard. I just want to sink my teeth into that bag.

So far I've only been able to make it fifteen minutes. Just ignore it Adalind. I repeat this mantra in my head over and over again. "Get up. Come stand here." Aiden instructs me. I stand half way towards the path of his desk where the blood bag is.

Why does he want me to stand closer? The smell is even stronger now. It smells so good. I can't take it anymore. I need it. I want it. I rush to it only for Aiden to snatch it away.

"You made it twenty minutes this time." He says. "I'm trying." I say. "No your trying to ignore it. Acknowledge that it's there. Become comfortable with it being there." Aiden says.

How do Become comfortable with a bag of blood just sitting there? "I don't get it." I say. "How dumb can you be. It is so simple. Just sit there. It's not going anywhere. Do you jump at food the minute you see it and go out of control?"

"No. I may be a wolf but that doesn't mean I act like an animal." I say offended. "But it's ok to when it comes to blood?" He asks. "No. I never said it was."

What is he trying to get at? He lets out a deep sigh cursing under his breath. "There lays the problem. You are not putting the two in the same category. Blood is food. Acknowledge it as food too." He says.

I guess I never thought of it like that. I mean yeah it is a type of food that I need to eat. Would that really work though? "What do you smell when you scent out blood?" Aiden asks.

"Um blood?" I answer. "Yes of course blood has its distinctive smell but there are layers to it. This should be easy for you since your a wolf and should have plenty of practice with scents."

"So blood you can smell what someone is just from there blood or what rank they are?" I ask. "Rank? I swear wolves care so much about pack monarchy. But yes and much more. You could scent there emotions, what foods they eat, blood type, age."

"I can smell what age someone is?" He smirks. "No. Not like that. It's more like age range. The younger you are the sweeter the smell. You can also smell a person's virtue." He explains. I blush at virtue. Does that mean that he knows that I'm a virgin.

I've never had a boyfriend or even been kissed. I haven't been around people beside those that come to the palace and my family. I look up at Aiden to him smirking again. "Whats wrong worried I can smell your virtue."

"Can you?" I ask blushing. "Yes. I'd be careful with being that innocent around people. Especially another vampire. Vampires like virgin blood the most." He answers so matter of factly.

"No would do anything. No one wants me. My own mate doesn't even find me appealing." I state. He frowns. "Trust me when I say the only reason I do not fully accept is because of your wolf side. You are a very beautiful girl." I shocked at his words. He think I'm pretty. "Andrea did you hear that? He thinks I'm pretty." I say excitedly. "I know. See i told you mate will come around."

I'm so sure about that but at least I know he thinks I'm pretty now. I wonder what else he thinks of me. "Its not just my looks though as you said I'm a hybrid. A freak of nature. My family barely wants me."

"You may go now. Dragon boy is already waiting for you." He dismisses me ignoring what I just said. Maybe one day I will have a better grip on understanding him.

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