Ch. 36

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POV: Aiden

I'm sitting in my study with Jax. They will be here until the wedding. Adalind is off with Haven while her brothers went to explore the town.

"A wolf was found dead with no fur yesterday morning." Jax informs me. Two ingredients left as far as I know by my count. Adalind is in more danger than ever now.

"I've taken precautions too keep Adalind safe. She's watched 24 seven. Jax smirks. "Here i thought i was the over protective one."

"I'm generally not but when someone i care about is in danger I am." I say. I may have Adalind watched but I don't dictate what she does or where she goes. She do what she wants as long as she is safe.

"What is your plan anyway for all this? I will take here back home if need be." He says. I know he's just being a protective father but he can't take her. I won't allow Adalind to be taken from me. "She's not going anywhere. The plan to take Darach down is complicated. Without fully knowing what will happen in this peace marriage to him I can't fully say." I explain.

"Haven has hinted a little bit but won't fully say either. I know she knows but is forbidden from saying it." Jax admits. "What has she hinted?" I ask.

"She more so puts it into a joking manner but I can feel they are hints. She explains it like a true loves kiss that can break any curse or something like that."

Thats ridiculous. True loves kiss isn't real. In all my years I have never seen nor heard of this happening in real life. It has only been in story books. "You don't believe it do you?"

"No I dont." I state simply. "I don't think it is either but there is only one way to find out. Either way I'm expecting a battle to happen on the day."

I glad we can at least agree on this. We're just playing nice here. One wrong word or move and one will snap at the other. "I'm fully prepared for that."

A knock is heard from my study door. "Enter." I say. In walks Thane. "This is Thane. He is the warlock that cloaked Adalind." I introduce to Jax.

"Hi." Jax says curtly. "This is her father right?" I nod confirming. "Great now I'll have to deal with an angry Lycan too."

"What are you talking about Thane?" I question. He sighs deeply. "Adalind's cloak has dropped. Darach knows exactly where she is. I think when I went into his cloak he was able to track my magic and find her."

Jax growls loudly. "Are you fucking kidding me. She could be taken at any moment now. How long has she been exposed?" Jax says angrily.

Thane doesn't say anything else. "Answer him." I snap. I need to know how long Adalind has been exposed. "About a week. It happened last week." He answers. "And your just know revealing this? Why?" Jax snaps.

"Because I was only able to now. Darach has been tracking me. He knows I'm working against him. I have had to be very careful with my magic. He track me through my magic. I have not been able to use it as of late." He explains.

"Anything else we should know?" I ask. "Yes. There are rumors that he has all the ingredients to this spell." Thane reveals. How would he even have all of them. He hasn't been anywhere near Adalind. Unless... The blood on her shirt. "Tell Adalind to get in here now. I think I may know what happened." I tell Jax.

He mindlinks her to come to my study. Minutes later she comes in. "Whats wrong?" She asks. "About week ago. You came back here with blood on you. Exactly how did that happen?" I ask in no mood. I just want to get right to the point.

"Um I told you already. I must have accidentally scrapped my arm against something without realizing it." She says. "Did you bump into someone that day. Walk me through everything you did that day." I tell her. "Aiden whats going on here. I told you what happened already."

"Adalind stop arguing and tell it again then. Tell me." Jax tells her. "Why do I feel like I'm in trouble now. What did I do?" She asks. "Your not in trouble honey. It's important that we know." Jax say softly to her.

"Fine." She recount everything that happened that day. I didn't here anything that would Account for Darach to get her blood. "Wait you know there was this moment where all the lights in the shop went out suddenly. It only lasted like thirty seconds and someone did bump into me. I just thought it was because they couldn't see from the dark." She says.

"Fuck." Jax growls. "Why was that so important?" Adalind asks. "Because he has all the ingredients. My only question is what is taking him so long in preforming the spell?" I explain. Adalind goes pale. She's scared now.

"The spell can only be done on the blood moon. All of this is tied to the blood moon." Thane explains. "Adalind breath." Jax says suddenly. I notice Adalind is hyperventilating. She's having a panic attack.

"I... I.. I" she barley gets out. I grab her hand and pull her to me placing her in my lap. I rock her back and forth to calm her down. Her breathing starts to calm down. "Just breath baby girl. Your doing so good." Jax says. I realize then he was mindlinking her coaching her through her breathing.

"Daddy I'm scared." She cries. "I know but hey it's all going to be ok. Your safe here." Jax tells her lovingly. She gets up from my lap and hugs Jax. "I'm going to go find mom." She says leaving. I'll go check on her later.

"I should go check on my other kids before they get into to much trouble." Jax says. I nod in agreement. I need to be alone for a minute to calm down from this new information.

I did everything I was supposed to do to keep her safe and hidden. Yet he still found her. I just have one question why would he spare her. He's killed or left all of his victims in a coma to die. Why not do the same with Adalind?

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