Ch. 11

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POV: Adalind

Well I went to my first college party with Caleb. I finally gave in and went yesterday night. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it's not exactly my scene.

I guess I'm the type of girl who would just rather hang back home curled up in a book or a movie. There was a lot of alcohol there. I like my occasional glass of wine here and there but that was wow. Speaking of wine it's Saturday now and Caleb and I are having our alphabet movie night. We are up to the letter E.

We have decided on the movie Ella's Enchanted. I have a bottle of wine out and two glasses. Then I lay out some snacks. I put my pajamas on.

A guard let's Caleb in while I'm getting changed. After tonight I won't see Caleb for a whole week. He has to go home. Some stuff has been happening in his clan that they need his help with. It was something about a dragon having their eyes cut out and taken. Gross. Who would do such a thing?

"Hey pinkie. Please tell me you have some more of those brownies your mom sent." He says. He ate some at our first move night and he fell in love. "No. She hasn't sent any yet. I can ask her to make you a batch."

"Oh would you. Tell her she makes the best. " I chuckle. "OK I will. Let's go watch the movie." We go in the living room and I turn the movie on. I pour myself a glass of wine sipping on it as we watch Ella Enchanted.

We sing along to the song that goes don't go breaking my heart. Im not really sure if thats the name of the song or not.

Later on after the movie Caleb leaves I work on a paper that's due on Monday for my writing class.

So far I'm doing great in all my classes except for history. I'm starting to wonder if he even looks at it. You would think that you would be the top student of you own mates class but no. I'm the one who is failing because he wants me too.


POV: Aiden

Darach is stepping his game up. He was able to lure a dragon in his capture. Darach now has the dragon eyes.

All he needs now is werewolf fur, Lycan claws, virgin blood, tears of a fairy, and Adalind's blood. He could have three of those ingredients just from Adalind.

I have one of my genrals searching for Darachs location. I need to find him. He is very hard to find. Darach hides behind his magic. Where ever he is there is a cloaking spell around it.

I could involve a witch but they most likely side with Darach. Wizards and witches aren't exactly allies with any species. All species have used them for centuries. They have turned against most all species due to this.

They are a very tricky species to be around. I don't mess with them unless I have to. The last time I did was my last encounter with Darach.

If he were to ever get his hands on Adalind it would be game over. Adalind is the key to this spell working. This is the reason why I've decided to teach her. I need her in control of all her abilities if Darach were to ever come for her.

It also gives me the excuse to be around her alone. I messed up and told her she was beautiful. We were talking about blood scents and I ended up telling her she's pretty. Adalind is a very beautiful girl. I do have to admit that I am very attracted to her. I just can't be with her. Victoria ruined this all for me.

Every time I see Adalind I crave her. I want to sink my teeth into her. I crave her blood. I wasn't lying when I said that virgin blood is the most craved. Its like a citrus sweetness.

She thinks no one wants her. She thinks I don't want her and with good reason. If only she knew just how much I want her but won't let myself.

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