Ch. 21

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POV: Adalind

I'm so scared. That message really shook me. I think thats what made the seriousness of this situation really sink in for me. I could die. The world is in danger. The only thing stopping him is the fact that I haven't existed until now. If he gets me it's game over.

Aiden tried to calm me down but it didn't help. I have to tell everyone else now. I'm about to mindlink Dad now. I just need to gain some courage first. I'm drinking a glass of wine to do so and calm my nerves.

"Hey dad. I need to tell you something." I link. "Adalind? What's wrong? Did something happen?" He links back. "Daddy I'm scared. I got a strange text yesterday." I tell him what it said and what Aiden said.

He growls through the link. "Dont leave the packhouse at all. You'll be sleeping in Cameron's room from now on. I want to leave no risk open." Dad orders. "OK."

I hear Cam joining our mindlink. "Yeah dad?" Cam says. Dad tells Cameron everything. "What do way is she sleeping in my room. Gross." Cam complains. "Oh yes you are." Dad responds. "Fine but she's sleeping on the couch." Cam growls. "Fine!" I say annoyed.

"As long as you two agree thats fine with me. Who was this person that Aiden said could help hide you?" Dad asks. "I don't know. He wouldn't say. He wouldn't even tell me where he was taking me." I answer.

"You tell him I want to know. Tell him to call me." Dad says. I agree to do what he wants. We end the link.

Next thing I know Cameron appears at my door telling me to get my stuff. He takes me to his room to drop my stuff there. "I'm not happy about this but you are my sister and I love you. I will always protect you." He says.

"So who am I going to hang out with for the rest of the day?" I ask. "Grandma and grandpa are coming over you could spend time with them." He suggests. That would be nice. Until they get here I just follow Cam around.

An hour later grandma and grandpa are here. "Hey! There's my beautiful girl." Grandma hugs me. "Hey did you get the stuff?" I ask her. My roots are starting to show. Now I could touch it up or use it as an excuse for a different color. I chose a different color. Its still in the pink family.

"Yes I did. It is right here. Do you need help?" Grandma replies. I nod yes. We go do that with grandpa silently following us. The color shade of pink I've chosen is baby pink. Grandma helps me dye my hair in the kitchen.

We talk and laugh. "Oh my goddess your going to look like cotton candy now." Cameron says seeing the color I've chosen. "No. I think it's going to be amazing." I say.

"Are you staying for dinner grandma and grandpa?" Cameron asks. "Yes that would be great." Grandpa answers. S timer goes off signaling that it's time to rinse the dye out my hair. Grandma washes my hair out in the sink.

When we got all done and blow dried it my hair was amazing. I love it. I take a picture and send it to dad. Ever since I first dyed my hair it's become tradition to send dad a photo of it. He doesn't like that I dye my hair but allows it anyway.

Later on we're having dinner. We video called mom and dad. It was like a long distance family dinner. It was nice and felt like home.

Now I'm getting ready for bed. Cameron is in the bathroom taking a shower while I set the couch up to sleep on.

I'm hoping this doesn't last long. Whatever Aiden is going to do i really hope it works. I feel like I'm being watched all the time.

Cameron comes out and I go in and change my clothes. I brush my teeth and wash my face.

I come out the bathroom once I'm done and lay down on the couch covering up. Cameron turns the lights out.

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