Ch. 33 Old Friend

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POV: Aiden

"Sire your guest has arrived and Thane has requested a visit. He has some information for you." Randell informs me. I was sitting in my study do some paperwork when Randell came to give me some information. "Thank you Randell. Please do inform Thane he is welcome to come." I tell him.

It's been a week since Adalind said yes to my proposal. I'm so glad she said yes. Adalind did have some doubts and rightfully so. Dragon boy went home yesterday but he will be back for the blood moon. Adalind is in a lesson with Jasper right now.

I make my way to the entrance of the palace. I haven't seen this person in a few centuries. "Hello, Aiden. It's been a long time." Garalt says as I approach him. Yes my guest is Garalt. The person who taught me. I'm hoping he can help Adalind. He's even older then I.

"Hello Garalt. How have you been?" I say. "Oh you know the same. Keeping things clean." He says. Garalt makes sure that the supernatural world stays secret. He's apart of a secret organization that protects our side of the world from going public.

Only the royals of each species knows of this organization. They each have a person from their species as a member. Garalt happens to be mine. "So why have you called apon me?" He asks me.

"I've met my one." I reveal starting out. "Oh wow. So what does this have to do with me?" He asks. We walk further into the palace sitting in one of the living rooms. "Well you see she is a hybrid. She's been shielded from her vampire side and has not been able to explore that side of her until now. She is having trouble with the mindlink. I and Jasper have tried." I explain.

"I see. Your one? Is she a blood moon born?" He asks. I tell him she is. "Hmm. I may have some ideas as to what is happening but I need to see her in action first. I want to see how she does in all abilities including speed, strength and hearing." He says.

"In other words you want a full physical test." I say. "Essentially yes. Is there anything else I should know? You must know there are rumors going around. Maybe you can confirm or deny some of them." He asks.

"Actually I'm getting married and I was hoping you could officiate it. Darach will soon be defeated in this marriage." I inform him explaining everything that has been happening lately.

"Well I must say you really love this girl. I mean look the walls are pink." He refers to the walls. I tell him why they are now pink. "Yes very stereotypical indeed. I can't wait to meet this girl. It sounds like she's hot spunk. Thats good because she's going to need it for tomorrow."

"Randell will show you to your room. I have some things that I need to take care of. I will see you later."  Randell takes Garalt to his room while I go back to my study. Thane did get back to me about Adalind's mind dive and the cloak. He said that the mind dive would not bother her abilities.

I'm going through the wedding invitations. I want this to feel as much like a wedding as possible for Adalind even though it is very rushed. All of Adalind's family coming. I put those in their envelopes. She's chosen Caleb as her maid 9fbhonor and has Corina as a bride's maid.

My best man is Randell and the grooms man is Jasper. Since Adalind only has one bride's maid I figured I would make it even by only doing one grooms man. My kingdom is invited along with some friends. Some werewolves and lycams besides Adalind's family are invited.

Adalind says she already has her dress but I'm not allowed to see it. She has grown very fond of this rule because she gets to hold something secret and surprise me with it as I've done to her. She also wanted to pick the cake out so I let her have that task.

I am worried about that day. Darach could just show up and try to stop the entire thing. I'm not sure just how a peace marriage will defeat him but I'm willing to try anything at this point. I'm wondering if this was what Darach meant all those centuries ago.

I will be taking precautions during that day to prevent anything bad from happening but I fear that is inevitable. Adalind suddenly just walks in annoyed. "Whats wrong?" I ask concerned.

"I suck. Is it normally this hard. I can't do this. I failed yet again." She says frustrated. "For some it is a struggle but it's not normally done in this time frame. You'll eventually get it. Garalt arrived today so he will help tomorrow." I tell her.

"Who is that?" She asks. "Garalt is an old friend and someone I brought in to help you." I answer. She nods. She looks very defeated with it. "Adalind you know you don't have to be perfect all the time and get it on the first try?" I tell her.

"You just don't get it. Growing up i had to always be prefect. Do you know what would happen if I wasn't? Being my dads daughter isn't easy. I have to be on it all the time. It was always don't do this Adalind. Stay in the palace Adalind. You can't go to school. No friends. You might lose control and kill someone. You need to be like this. They already veiw you a certain way don't give them anymore reason to fear you." She vents out.

"That was then. No one is perfect and I'm not asking you to be. It's ok to fail. It's how we learn and grow. There is not one thing wrong with you." I tell her. She nods and looks at me. "You know you and Andrea are more a like than I like you to be. Now I have two of you counteracting my thoughts." She says. I chuckle. So her wolf is telling her the same thing.

"Then maybe you should listen to her." I say. "Actually speaking of Andrea. It's been a few weeks since I've let her out. She's been begging to be out and for a run. Is there anywhere I can please do that." She says more like begging.

"I'm sure that can be arranged. I'll show you where you can do your thing." I tell her and take her to the edge of the forest near my palace. "Aren't you going to go?" She asks. "No. Go on. I'll be right here when you get done."

She goes behind a tree and in a few minutes she comes walking up to me with her clothes in her mouth and I take them from her. I kneel down and scratch her behind her ears only for to pur and rub up against me. "Go on. Have fun and be careful." She takes off running through the forest. I just stay here and wait for her.

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