ch. 8 Let her go

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POV: Adalind

Ahh! I'm so excited. I got moms package. She sent me lots of baked goods. Caleb is staying the night tonight. My first sleep over. Dad sent my blood. Amazing. It will go great with my wine tonight. Yes I drink wine. My parents don't know that I do. They would freak because I'm not of legal age. Whatever.

Cam was drinking at like 15 and no one said anything to him. He even got caught coming home drunk once and dad did nothing. Tate could do the same thing and they not do anything. I got caught once and I got grounded. How is that even fare. Cam and I are the same age. Dad has always been the strictest on me.

I promised I wouldn't do it again and became more careful about it. My phone rings and it's dad. "Hello" I answer. "Hey. I haven't heard from you today. Is everything alright?"

"Yes I'm fine. I've just been studying all day." I answer him. "Oh thats good. Do you plan on going out anywhere tonight?" He asks.

"No. Caleb is staying the night. Were going to have a sleep over." I answer. "No. He is not sleeping over." He can't be serious.

"What!? Dad he's my friend. Why not?" I ask. "Because he's a boy is why. No. I don't want him staying over with you unsupervised." I can not believe him. I'm fucking 18.

"Dad I'm 18 now. Don't you trust me?" I say upset. "Of course I trust you honey. It's just I don't want any boys there with you unsupervised." He says again.

"Yeah and I'm sure that if Cam and Tate wanted to have a sleep over with a girl you would allow them. You never let me do anything." I yell in the phone.

"Young lady i would watch your tone right now. Cam and Tate are different and you know that." Yeah full lycan.

"Why? Is it just because I'm a girl or because I'm a hybrid?" I ask. "I'm not answering that because either way I answer it your just going to be angry." He answers.

"I'm angry now so you might as well speak the truth. Admit it your afraid that I'm going to get so hungry and kill him. I would have better control if you would have let me know more of that side of me!" I yell at him.

"No! Thats not it at all Adalind. I don't care what you are. Now stop arguing. I said no and that's the end of the discussion." I hang up on him. How can he just do this to me.

"Dad can't do this. We are 18 now. We are adult and don't need his permission."Andrea says. I couldn't agree more with her. Caleb is going to stay the night weather dad likes it or not. My phone rings again and it's dad. I ignore it. He can't tell me how to live my life.

He calls a few more times but I ignore every one of his calls. "Adalind Catalina Rickson when I call you I expect you to pick your phone up." Damn it. Dad is mindlinking me now.

"Well I don't really want to talk to you." I tell him. "Adalind watch that tone right now. Do not talk to me like that. You will show me respect."

"I will when it's earned. You don't trust me. You don't even respect me so why should I show you the same?"

"Adalind where the hell is all this coming from. Is this that boy telling you this? Maybe I should take you out of that school if its having this kind of influence on you."

I ignore him and call mom. "Hello?" She answers. "Hey mom. Dad and I are arguing via mindlink. I need your help." I tell her everything that was said. "He said what to you!? I don't think so. One minute. Jax!" Mom yells.

"Dad growls in the mindlink. "Getting your mother against me was low blow" he says in the link. Like I care.

I can hear them arguing through the phone. "So girls don't get to have and do the same things that boys do? Cameron and Tate can just bring girls home and do what they want but she cant?" Mom asks him.

"Baby that is not what I meant. I trust her. I just don't trust him." Dad feeds her the same crap he gave me. "Jax he's not even into girls like that. This is her first friend. Now I let you shelter her yes but she is 18 now. She is a good girl. She does not need your permission to have a sleep over. And you will not ever tell her to respect you when you haven't even given it to her. If it is because she is a hybrid then shame on you. It is your fault she doesn't have the control she should. You have done nothing but deny that of her. That stops today. She can do what she want from now on. She does not need your permission. She may tell you but you can not tell her no. You may warn her if you think that it is a bad idea but again you can not tell her no. She is not a child anymore." Mom left no room for him to speak.

"I am trying to protect her. She doesn't know how people can be out there." Dad says. "And who's fault is that?" Mom tells him. "I'm just worried about her." Dad tries again. "I am to but thats being a parent. You have to let her go. She's ready to fly and make her own mistakes. Do you want her to end up like Caroline jealous and resenting you all because you think that boys are better fit to do anything and all a girl is good for is to have children with. Jax I don't want that. She doesn't. Let her be who she is and who she was meant to be and that is not just coming from but selene as well." Mom says to him.

"I don't want that. I love her so much and I'm so afraid of her destiny." Dad says. What destiny? I ask it in mindlink.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it. I have my secrets and you have yours. I'm sorry you were right. I'm just not ready to let go of my baby girl."

"Apology accepted." I answer in mindlink. "Thanks mom." I say in the phone. "Your welcome sweet heart. Now go have fun at your first slumber party." I end the call. Mom always whips dad back into shape when he needs it. He will do anything to be on her good side.

A couple of hours later Caleb shows up. "Hey!" I answer the door. "Hey pinkie."

We go up to my bedroom. "Ha. Someone really likes the color pink." My bedroom is all pink. Its my favorite color. "Yes it my obsession."

We hang around for a bit before we go down stairs. We pop a movie on and order a pizza. I get the package of goodies mom sent and place them on the coffee table along with some drinks.

During the movie one of the guards bring in the pizza to us. "Oh I have the best idea. We should do an alphabet movie night every Saturday. We pick a movie that starts with whatever that days letter is. We could even do it with series to." Caleb suggests. "I love that so do we start this Saturday?" I ask. "Yes. Start thinking of movies that start with the letter A."

"Oh and we can dress the theme of that movie and do snacks and things that match the movie." I suggest. "Now your getting into it. I like it. Friday we can decide on the final movie."

After the movie we do each other's nails. Caleb is actually really good at nails. We talk and gossip. When it got midnight I showed him to a guest room to sleep and i went to mine. I lay down a got to sleep.

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