Ch. 38 Day Before

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POV: Adalind

Well it's the day before the wedding. The palace is very busy today. Lots of people are arriving today that are attending the wedding. It's not everyday that our kind gets married. Much less a hybrid and a vampire. Everyone wants to see this with their own eyes.

Fortunately not a lot of people like that will be here. We only wanted people that we actually knew and for it to be as small as we could make it.

My family is still here of course and the rest of my family will be here too when they arrive. For the past two weeks I've been doing my lessons with Garalt. Now that we have unraveled the problem we gave worked on perfecting my technique. I can't do it like move vampires. The way I do things is different.

Aiden and I have done nothing but grow closer and closer together. I love him. I am worried about tomorrow though. What if it doesn't turn out in the end. Contemplating the end is a hard thing to do. You look apon your life. What have I done? I haven't even lived my life yet. I've only just now gotten my freedom and I could lose it tomorrow just like that.

Aiden keeps telling me to stop thinking worse case scenario but I can't help it. Andrea is the optimistic one. Aiden also says that I should listen to her. Aiden has had no problem teaming up with her in ganging up on me. I've been letting Andrea have some time with him too. She gets control and they talk for a bit. Andrea enjoys that time with him.

Dad and Aiden have been getting along. They have both played nice for my sake. There have been a few arguments but so far they have not tried to kill each other so that's good.

I'm working with Randell today helping him with the arriving guest. Aiden is over seeing that all the preparations are moving along to schedule. "Hey pinkie." Caleb is here. He just arrived. "Hey. I got this one." I tell Randell. "Come on i will bring you to your room and you can get settled. Then we'll have lunch together." I tell him. "Lunch? Thats a bold move considering your about to get married tomorrow." He says. "Hey! Are you trying to say I'm fat?" I cross my arms. "No. Girl you look amazing. I'm just saying." He says i roll my eyes.

After I've taken him to his room i go back to the entrance of the palace. "Princess you are stunning." Grandma Lillian says. She was just walking in when I got back. "Hey grandma. Where's grandpa Richard?" I ask her. "He's grabbing our bags." She answers. "Oh he doesn't have to do that I'll get Cameron and Tate to help with that." I tell her. "Oh that would be lovely. I over packed again." She says.

Grandma Lillian has always over packed. She pack more than she actually uses. I mind link Cameron and Tate to come get their bags out the car. "So darling are you excited to get married?"

"I'm nervous but I love him." I answer her. Cam and Tate come inside along with Richard and the bags. "Hey grandma." They greet. "Look at my boys. You two look so handsome and just like Jax." She says.

"Randell will show you two to your room while Tate and cam bring your bags up." I say. They follow Randell to their room. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and I know exactly who it is by their scent.

"Hey how's everything going?" I ask. "Fine. You?" Aiden says. "Great. I can't wait for tomorrow to be over with." I say. "Dont worry it will all be ok. Stop worrying." Aiden tells me. I can't help but worry. Tomorrow is the blood moon. I'm on edge due to it being a blood moon to top this all off. The closer it get the more on edge I am.

I'm effected by it. I always have been. I'm hungrier today and tomorrow it will just be worse. "I can't help it." I admit out loud to him. "I know but I wish you wouldn't. Do you need anything?" He asks.

"No. There's not anything you can do or get to help me right now." I say. "What do you mean?" I explain to him about whats going on right now with the blood moon and me.

"Is it bad? Do you want to go lay down. I can have someone else do this. You don't have too." He says. "It's fine. I'm ok. It will pass once the Blood moon is gone." I tell him.

"OK but if you feel any worse promise me you will go lay down. Don't force yourself to do anything." I nod promising him.

"I have to go now. I just wanted to check on you." He kisses me neck and leaves letting go of me. A vampire guest enters. "Hi I'm Adalind. Ill show you to your room." I introduce myself. "Elijah." He says simply. He follows me to his room. In order to prevent fights between the two species we have placed the wolves and Lycans in the west wing while the vampires are in the east wing.

Later at lunch I meet up with Caleb. Mom cooked lunch for everyone. The rest of my Family has not gotten here yet. Their flight should get in later on today.

"Oh hi Caleb. It's nice to see you again." Mom says. "Thank you. It's good to see you too." He says.

We eat lunch and chit chat around. After lunch Caleb and I walk around talking. "So how's it been going?" He asks. "Great. For the most part." I says telling him about Darach getting my blood. "Adalind I'm so sorry about that. If I had known that was who that person was I would have done something about it."

"It's not your fault. No one could have known." I assure him. "Have you put any thoughts into weather or not your going back to school or not?" He asks.

"Yeah. I want to go. I'm just not sure if it will happen right now. I want to get tomorrow over with first before I make any permanent future plans." I answer.

"Yeah I guess I can see your point. So what do you want to do now?" He asks. "Lets go play some video games."

We go play for a while before I get a mindlink letting me know that the rest of my family is here. I leave Caleb to go see them. "Oh there's the princess now." Uncle Luke says. "Hi."

By uncle Luke is Aunt Penny. She has a small baby bump. We all go sit in the lounge room. It's not long before Aiden joins us. I introduce Aiden to the rest of my family. It is very visible on their faces that they are trying but are very uncomfortable with him. They won't say anything though.

"Nice to meet you all. Welcome to my home." Aiden says very formally. I know he's not comfortable around so many wolves and Lycans either. At least everyone is being nice about it.

"Daddy why is he so pale?" Lucy asks. Uncle Luke shushes her. "We'll explain that later Lucy." Aunt Penny tells her. "Well it is nice to meet you too. It's a shame our species is only just now starting to make peace. Raphael always wanted to but he rather play it safe and cause no wars." Grandma Lillian says.

Raphael is a my grandfather. He died before I was born and was moms fated mate. You know it is so weird that mom and grandma has kissed every Rickson male in our family.

"Yes. He reached out a few times in the past but I ignored it." Aiden admits. "Why have our species been enemies for so long. Adalind says that we both follow the moon goddess." Cameron asks. Aiden tenses. He doesn't want to talk about it. He didn't even want to tell me about Victoria.

"That doesn't matter now. What's done is done but if history repeats itself things would not end well." Aiden says. "It won't." I say. Everyone is confused at our meaning but Aiden doesn't want to say the reason and I will respect that and not tell anyone. He confided this to me and I will respect that.

"Anyway I'm sure all will be well now. Especially with Adalind as the bridge." Grandma Lillian says. She always was good at situations like this.

We chat for a while before we all go our separate ways. I'm just glad everyone is getting along or trying to at least.

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