Ch. 20 message

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POV: Aiden

This is so frustrating. I know he's out there somewhere. He's taunting me. There is someone I know with a unique ability to track the untraceable. I just don't want to go to him. It's been almost three hundred years since I last saw him.

"Sire the jet is ready." Randell informs me. I'm trying one last known location that Darach has hidden. Its a long shot but worth it. I'm going to Greece. I make a trip to Greece a few times a year. I was born there. It was the war of Corinth that led to the down fall of my family and made me what I am today.

It seems my past is catching up to me these days. "Thank you Randell. Let's go." We get in the car with one of my subjects driving us to the jet.

Perhaps one day I can take Adalind to Greece and all the places she dreams of. I'm sure she would enjoy it. Her progress is doing well. She was a little discouraged yesterday from failing. She didn't nessasarily fail. It was just she doesn't have the strength to go that far yet. Adalind just needs to be patient with it and practice really does make perfect in this case.

My flight is for twelve hours so it will be a while yet before we land. I don't know how long I will be there right now. While I am there I will be checking on some of my businesses I have there and visit my mother. I'll also be visiting my estates.

I read a book while to pass my time. The only thing about books and all stories with living as long as I have they all get predictable. Sometimes I'll find one that I can't figure out what the ending will be but most by half of it I've figured it out.

It's after lunch when I get the invite for a video call with Adalimd. We do this everyday. I was the one that asked to do this. I just wanted to see her beautiful face at least once a day.

I accept the call. I can see she's tired. "Hey. Where are you this time?" She asks. "On a jet to Greece. Did you sleep last night?" I answer. "Yes but not very well."

"Why? Did something happen?" I ask concerned. "Yes. I got this weird text and now I'm scared." She confesses.

"What text message?" I ask. She shows her phone on the screen showing me the text and reads it aloud. Fuck. He knows where she is. I wish I could cloak her from him. To do that I'd have to visit another old friend I'd rather not go see. The relationship between our kind is even more dicey than with the wolves.

"Did you tell anyone else else?" I ask her. She shakes her head no. "You need to tell your father and brother. They will tighten security up and around you. I'll have Jasper keep an eye out."

"But you said he could be here and no one would even know it because he's cloaked. What if he's already here?" I can hear the fear in her voice. It breaks my heart to see her like this. "Adalind, sweetheart I need you to calm down. Ok?" She nods taking a few deep breaths.

"Good. Now I know your scared and I'm going to fix it but first I have to meet an old friend that can help. " I tell her calmly. "What are you going to do?" She asks me.

"You'll see later. For now just stay in the pack. Don't go anywhere. Make sure you're with someone at all times. Don't let yourself in a situation where you in a room alone." This will decrease her odds of being taken.

"Aiden I wish you were here. I miss you." She admits. "I know love. I miss you too." I admit. I really do miss her. I was horrible to her and I'm truly sorry for that. I know she hasn't forgiven me for it but I know she is trying.

"You do?" She sounds so vulnerable. I can now see the tears in her eyes. "Yes. I miss you." I say sincerely.

"I don't feel safe here. I feel like I'm being watched now. It's like after I got that text I've felt like I'm being watched or this dark eerie feeling lurks around."

"Adalind I need you to just hang in there just a little bit longer. I will be there as soon as I can and I'll take you to a safe place where no one will hurt you. I promise you this"

She nods sniffling. "Where will you take me?" She asks. "Thats a surprise." I say. She trys to get me to tell her but I refuse. "Anyway I need to go now. I will talk to you later." I end the call.

I I form Randell of everything that was told to me about the message sent from Darach. "Have them change course. We're going to Spain." There i will find my old friend.

Soon Adalind will be safe and hidden. I just hope the price is not to steep this time.

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