Ch. 30 Sabastian

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POV: Sebastian

2500 years ago.....

My name is Sebastian and this is my story. I'm a wizard of the first order. The priestess of Selene has summoned me. I know not why but if the priestess summons you it is the wise thing to obey her. Little did I know then that this was the day that would cause a chain of events to unfold.

I made my way to the temple. I noticed that a lot of the worshipers were gone. This is odd. Normally people are here paying there respects to our gods. The more I walked deeper into the temple I could feel a darkness looming. I got this bad feeling but if the priestess is in trouble I must help her.

I enter the alter room with a statue of selene the moon goddess in the middle of the room. Blessings in the form of foods are placed all around the statue in honor and respect for selene.

I walk around not seeing the priestess anywhere but on the other side of the statue she is laid on the ground with blood seeping from her body. She is still alive I can see. Her body is convulsing. "Priestess what has happened? Who did this to you?" I ask panicking. I try to do a healing spell on her but no such luck. The blade she was cut with must have had a magical poison.

The priestess then whispers something in my ear i don't understand the meaning of. "You need not worry for one day you will be free." What does she mean by I will be free? This was the last words she spoke as she took her last breath. The priestess is now gone from this world.

A figure appears out of no where suddenly. "Ah yes you will do nicely." He says. Who is this man. He has long dark hair. He is very tall. His skin almost  pale blue color. "Who are you?" I ask demanding to know who this man is.

"I am Hades. Your master and God now." He says. Hades? The God of the underworld. He is evil. The devil. I've never done anything bad. I use my powers for good. I work as a healer. I can't do his dirty bidding. "No I will not. I don't have a master and will never bow down to you." I state.

He smirks evily. "Oh but you haven't heard my offer yet." He says. Offer? "What offer? I won't deal with evil." I say not wanting any part of his evil doings.

"I know of your precious Helen. I can bring her back to you. Hear my offer as it stands or suffer the consequences. You will gain your beloved back. All you must do is my bidding and one spell that will change humanity. All I ask is one spell." He says.

Helen is my wife or was. She died of plague. There was nothing I could do to help her. She was human. She was the love of my life and now she is gone but I would not sell my soul to the devil just to see her once more. She is at peace where ever she may be now. She would not want me to do this in her name.

"OK I've heard your offer and I decline. There is nothing you can offer me that I would ever help you. My answer is no. I want no part in your darkness." I say. "I was hoping you'd say that. Your a tough nut to crack. It appears force is in need." He says.

Force? What is he going to do to me? I begin to back away to escape him. "You will not be able to escape me. I will find you wherever you go." He warns. Why is he doing this?

Suddenly I'm surrounded by a blue fire. Hes speaking in some language I've never heard before. I can feel this darkness lurk around me. Black smoke then appears circling around me. It comes closer and closer until my body is consumed with it. I fight it for as long as I can praying to the goddess that she will save me.

Have you ever had an outer body experience because I have. It was like watching myself do things and be a certain way. There was nothing I could do to stop it.

So many people have died. Many centuries later a priestess showed me a vision before I killed her. The darkness in me was not very happy about it but I was. It was my own undoing. In a cave I found a very dead vampire. I collected his fangs. Another man was there.

I recognized him the vision. He is key. He wakes up as a newly turned vampires. I don't do anything. "So it begins." Is all I say and leave. This was the beginning of my own undoing and I couldn't be more happier but the darkness was determined to stop it.

I long to be free of Hades and this darkness. Blood is on my hands. Guilt is seeped so deep in my bones. The only wish I have now is to die and stop who I have become darkness.

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