Ch. 12 Kiss

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POV: Adalind

Well two months have passed by now. Caleb is still not back from his dragon clan. They are still trying to find the person that hurt one of their own.

Cameron came to visit me once. He mostly wanted to prowl around for girls on campus though. He brought home a few girls while he was here. And dad is worried about me. Cam is the one who's sleeping around.

My lessons with Aiden have improved. I'm doing lots better. I can make it the entire hour now without losing control. He's now teaching me how to go into people's memories. Their are two ways of doing it. One is going into someone's mind and the other is through feeding.

I'm not so good at it yet. I'm better with the feeding part than the mind dive. He still has me drink one blood bag everyday before his lessons. Andrea thinks it's his way of taking care of me.

I'm going to have to talk to him soon though about my grades. If u get another F in his class I'm going to fail. Dad will surly take me out of school then. I can't tell him that my professor is literally out to get me and failing me on purpose.

Every chance Aiden gets he sets me up to fail. Group assignments I'm to do them alone, or he will come up with something to have me do extra work on. He's still sleeping with other women. It hurts so much. I'm about to the point where I'm done.

I hear my phone ringing so I answer it. "Hello?" I answer. Its dad. "Hey how's school going?" He asks. "Fine." I answer. "Your grades are good?"

"Yes. My grades are fine." I answer. All my classes I have A's except for history. "Really? Then explain to me why you have an F in history." Great.

"I'm working on it. Dad really it's no big deal. " I try to play it off. "Not a big deal? What was the conditions of you being there?"

"That I have to keep my grades up." I answer. "Exactly. Now you have this week to pull them up or your coming home." Dad says. "But.."

"No buts. I mean it Adalind it better improved soon." Dad says leaving no room for argument. "Yes daddy."

"Good. Now go study. I love you and I will be coming to check on you soon." Dad says ending the call. Great now I'm screwed.

This is all Aiden's fault. I'm going to be taken out of school because of him. I growl angrily. He can't just do this to me. I know he won't change my grade. He would never. I March right to his classroom not even caring if he is in the middle of a class or not.

Luckily the room is empty and oh look He's grading papers. "Who do you think you are!" I yell at him. He looks up at me like I've gone mad.

"Excuse me?" He says. "I'm getting taken out of school because of you! Do you even read my assignments? I know you hate me but I would think that you'd at least grade fairly. I am so done with this. Just reject me already!" I yell at him.

"No." Is all he says. No? What does he mean no? Ugh! "No? Is that all you have to say? No to what. No you don't grade fairly. No, what?"

"No I will not reject you. No I will not change your grade. No I don't read them. No to all of it. Goodbye." He says emotionlessly.

"No. You know what I can't do this anymore. I'm done. All you do is sleep with other girls. You don't want me. You just torture me so you know what I'll do it myself since this is Goodbye. I, Adalind Rickson daughter of Alpha Lycan King Jax Rickson reject you Aid...." his mouth suddenly slams on mine shutting me up.

His kiss is hot and searing. I'm frozen in shock. Andrea is howling in approval. I begin to slowly respond to his kiss. I'm lifted up now sitting on his desk with him standing between my legs.

My mind is clouded in the kiss. It feels amazing. Sparks explode from my lips and anywhere he touches. Wait. No. This is wrong. He hates me. My gain my mind back and push him away. Why would he do that.

His eyes are dark with desire looking in my eyes. "Why?" It comes out in a whisper. Tears threaten to flow. He doesn't say anything. "Why would you do that? I'm leaving. You won't see me again. Want do you want from me?" I say. He still says nothing. I'm on the verge of tears.

"Is this your new torture method? Tying me to you forever so I can never be happy. What did I do?" The tears are now flowing down my face. I can't live like this anymore. Three months of this. He is so hot and cold. One minute he's being nice. The next he's mean and trying to hurt me in some way. Aiden still is silent.

"I just want it to end. Why won't you let it end. Just stop." I sob. Still not a word. "Say something! Anything." I sob yelling at him.

He has several emotions cross his face. Hate, anger, regret, desire, love. "You're not going anywhere. I will fix it. I'm sorry please stop crying." He says softly wiping my tears away. "Why are you being this way?" I don't trust this.

He takes a long deep sigh. He opens his mouth about to answer when students start coming in. He clears his throat. "We will talk later. Go to your next class." I nod leaving.

What am I going to do. How is he going to fix it. "Mate is sorry. Mate wants us." Andrea says happily. I know she wants him to want us so badly but he doesn't. This is all a trick. That was my first kiss. He stole my first kiss. My fingers tips go to my lips feeling them. He kissed me.

I'm walking on my way to class in so many emotions I'm not paying attention to my surroundings. My thoughts lost on what just happened. I trip over something. I smell blood. I get up and find I tripped over a body. She has no heartbeat. Her throat looks like it was slit.

I run to go find help. Oh my goddess what happened to that girl. Who the hell did that. I scream down the hall help. No one is around because they're all in class or not in this hallway. Aiden suddenly appears in front of me looking worried. "What happened?"

I catch my breath really quick. "There's a girl. I... I don't know what happened to her. She's dead." I tell him freaked out.  "Where?" I show him where the girl is. Aiden hisses. "Fairy." He whispers. He looks at me. "Go home Adalind."

"What about class? " I ask. "You're getting all A's you can afford to miss one class. Go home." Aiden says. How does he know what my grades look like besides in his class. I didn't think he cared.

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