Ch. 39 Mate

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POV: Aiden

I've been busy all day doing last minute preparations for this wedding. I know it won't be perfect but I can still try to make it as nice as I can.

It's late at night now and I'm ready for bed. Adalind is in the shower now. She was pretty busy today herself. I didn't get to see much of her today. Now I know the tradition is that the night before the wedding we're suppose to sleep separately and I'm not suppose to see her and blah blah. Yeah, we're not doing that. It's nothing but superstition. What is sleeping next to her going to do?

If that one action dooms us then there wasn't anything to our relationship to begin with. This is a vampire werewolf wedding. No human mess is here nor needed.

While Adalind is in the shower I change into a pair of sweat pants and leave my shirt off as I do every night. I normally just sleep in my boxer breifs but with Adalind I've at least put some pants on for her. I would like to see her reaction if I did though. She already gives me looks without a shirt. I bet she'd be beet red.

She walks out the bathroom just wrapped in a towel. Water dripping from her damp hair down her body. She looks absolutely delicious in more ways than one. It's been difficult being around her not allowed to feed on her. I must have told myself one more day a thousand times today and I can sink my teeth into her.

Her cheeks are red. "I forgot my clothes. I'll just go grab some." She walks into the closet to change. I do have to talk to Adalind about something before we go to bed. Haven came to speak with me earlier today alone. To be honest I was surprised she was alone. That Jax never seems to leave her side for long especially here.

She had a sort of message for me. She said it was not necessary but that it would make what we are doing tomorrow stronger and a greater chance to work better than if we don't do this. If we have sex tonight to start the mate bond then it will be completed after tomorrow when she marks and feeds on me and I feed apon her. This would bound our bond unbreakable and make our power stronger to defeat Darach.

I wanted to do all this right by Adalind. Unfortunately seems we can't. I wanted to marry her first. I know its a human thing and I was just complaining about human wedding traditions and such. I complain a lot what can I say.

I never wanted this to be about defeating Darach. I wanted this to be about our love. I know I can be about both but I wish things could have been different. I wish I started things out differently with her.

She comes out in a short night gown. "Why aren't you in bed yet?" She asks. "Waiting for you. I need to talk to you about something." She looks nervous now. "What about?" She asks.

I can hear her heart beating fast. I tell her everything that her mother relayed to me from the goddess. Her hear beat quickens even more. She fidgets around. Her cheeks are beet red laughing nervously.

"A..and what do you think?" She stutters. "I think that if there is any chance and extra power we can get to defeat Darach than we should take it. However it is not necessary and I can and will wait when you are ready. There is no rush. This is about you and not me." I tell her how I feel about the situation.

She doesn't say anything. She seems lost in her thought and to be talking to Andrea about it. I watch her facial expressions as she talks with her wolf. The corners of her lips quirk slightly. She shrugs and rolls her eyes. She looks annoyed and humored.

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