Ch. 40 Day Of

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POV: Adalind

I'm cold. Thats the first thing I feel when I wake up. I snuggle deeper into the covers only to feel this sharp soreness between my legs. A reminder of what I did last night. I open my eyes to an empty room. Aiden is gone. Where did he go? I would have liked to at least wake up to him this morning.

What if that was all he wanted and this was all some kind of trick to get that and now he's back to being like he was before? "Girl you are over thinking again." Andrea says. But what if it's true? I'm probably am being dramatic here. Right?

The bedroom door opens and in walks Caleb. I cover my self in the covers from him seeing me. "Damn Pinkie. You couldn't at least wait till the honeymoon. Tell me girl was it good. How big was he. You can tell me." He says. I'm mortified.

Thats when the bathroom door opens and Aiden walks in. "What the hell is going on in here? Why are you in here?" Aiden demands.

"I was comeing to see if she was awake or not. Mrs. Haven asked if she was up yet. Your dad wants to talk to you or something. I cut imagine he'll be happy about this." Caleb explains.

"It will be a little while before she is up now get out Daragon boy." Aiden says strained. "Whatever old bat. Details later Pinkie." Caleb leaves. Oh I'm so mortified. I lay back down covering my face with the pillow embarrassed.

Aiden moves the pillow away looking down at me. "I thought you left." I admit my fear. "No. I was just in the shower. I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. How are you feeling?"

"Tired. Sore. Cold." I answer him. He nods. "Well let's draw you up a bath and get you cleaned up in some warm clothes. Then you can take a little nap."

He disappears back into the bathroom leaving me here. "Adalind are you up?" Dad mindlinks me. "Yes but it will be a while before I'm out and about. I don't really feel good." I tell him.

"OK but when you do decide to get up come find me. I need to talk to you." He says sounding so defeated. I wonder whats wrong with him.

Aiden come and carries me to the bathroom and sets me in the warm filled tub. I moan at the feeling. Last night was amazing. I've never felt like that before. I just hope every time I do this I don't feel like this in the morning. Is there such a thing as sex hung over. Thats what this feels like in a way.

"I can feel your emotions." Aiden admits. "Its a wolf mate bond thing. I can feel yours too. Is it like that with the vampire part of it?"

"No. Sex doesn't effect it. Vampire have sex, yes but they get more intimacy in feeding. The bonds will be complete tonight." Aiden explains. "Aiden I was really scared and worried when I didn't see you when I woke up" I admit to him. I'm feeling so vulnerable today.

A lot is happening and it's very overwhelming. "I know. I was hoping that you would sleep a little bit longer. I do have some things to tend to but I was always going to take care of you first." He says. "I'm still tired. I feel very drained." I really do feel like I have no energy

"I'll have your mother bring some food up for you and I'll get you a blood bag. That will probably help. Then you can take a nap. This low energy most likely is what's making you feel cold." Aiden says.

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