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Chapter eight

Forever and always

"So your just not going to talk hmm?" James Potter said as he wiped down the cauldrons on the second to last day of detention as Monroe lazily wiped down the chalkboards at the front of the room.

"Got nothing to talk about Potter." She said, not meeting the boys gaze.

The boy scoffed, "Maybe you can tell me why you were pinned against the wall of the astronomy tower by Lucius Malfoy last night."

She turned towards his swiftly, "If you mention that again I will fucking kill you!" She yelled as the boy internally smiled at the girls reaction, she was finally showing some emotion, and if it be anger, so it be.

"I'm sorry," He wasn't, "okay, I just want to make sure your alright," he said, lying, walking a bit closer towards the girl, "you looked genuinely scared of him Taylor."

She gulped heavily, swallowing all her emotions, "It's none of your business what goes on in my life. We're not friends."

"Im aware," he said as he stood and slant in the opposite side of the desk that she leant against, "but that doesn't mean we can't be. You're human Monroe, it's okay to show emotion."

She laughed deeply, "Me and you friends? You must be daft, because that would never happen in a million years."

"But why? Why not, you may think that I'm and arse now, but once you get to know me I'm pleasant to have a conversation with." He responded shrugging as she finally met his gaze.

"This is really fucking confusing Potter. Let's just go back to hating each other it was a lot more bloody simple." She said with a eye roll.

"Your fucking confused? I'm fucking confused! One minute you've got me thinking that I've got a bloody chance of befriending you then you next you're back to being a cold heartless bitch!" He said banging his hand on the desk, being oblivious to the way the girl jumped slightly.

"I don't have many friends Potter because I'm fucking scared to trust people! People are a bunch of fucking arseholes and liars! Okay I've got Alex that's all I fucking need I don't need you stupid pity friendship because you saw me show a little but if emotion because I have fucking feelings! I'm not like everyone makes me out to be, I have a fucking heart and I know how to fucking care! I'm only cryptic machiavellian because I care! I worry, I love, I hate and if you would even believe it, I know fucking fear! More then you ever will! Just leave me the bloody hell alone!" She yelled, James absorbing every word she sputtered out, he didn't think getting her to crack would be this easy, it almost seemed like it had been building up until something ticked it off.

"Taylor I'm-," James didn't get to finish what he was saying before she stormed out of the potions classroom without another word, leaving James to wonder who the actual Monroe Taylor was and why she was the way she was.


James slouched down onto his bed after the detention had finished, thoughts running wild, he didn't care about Monroe Taylor's feelings, right?

Of course he didn't, he cared about the bet, about proving his point, not about her.

"What's the matter Prongs?" Remus asked as he emerged form the bathroom in nothing but a pair of joggers and wet hair having just emerged form the shower, Sirius being out elsewhere and Peter being fast asleep on his bed.

"S'nothing." He muttered as he went to sit on the windowsill as he lit a cigarette between his lips and inhaled deeply the smoke entering his lungs.

"I'm not stupid James we've been friends since we was eleven I know when you're lying." Remus said with an eye roll as he pulled a grey T-shirt over his head.

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