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Chapter fifteen

The things that haunt me in the middle of the night

"James wake up!" Remus whisper yelled in his ear as an nervous Alexandra stood behind him.

James jolted awake, confused as he reached for his glasses, he noticed the girl behind his friend, "What-?" He asked confused.

"It's Monroe, she's in the medical wing she passed out." Alexandra said quickly as before anyone could even blink James had flew out if his bed, running towards the room.

"Merlin Monnie." Said James as he looked at the girls unconscious figure, even in her out of it state she looked completely and utterly exhausted.

He pulled a chair over and sat besides her he'd as held her hand in his, as he pressed a light kiss to her knuckle, "What's happened love?"

"Mr Potter! This is a surprise, I didn't know you and miss Taylor here where friends." The voice of Madam Pomfrey said as she rounded the corner with a bottle in her hand.

Jame spooked at the woman and nodded, "Yes, have been for a little bit now. If you wouldn't mind me asking, what's wrong with her?"

The older woman sighed, "It seems for some time now your friend has been suffering with night terrors, been losing to much sleep, she was physically exhausted."

"It's that bad?" Alex asked from where she now stood on the other side elf her of her friend as William stood beside her, seemingly radiating rage as he looked at James holding his sisters hand.

The woman nodded, "Unfortunately so. This is a sleep enduser, make sure she has it every night before she goes to sleep, alright?" She said making Alex nod, "She just needs rest right now. Let her sleep." She added before walking away as William glared at James.

"Why the fuck are you here?" He asked, anger evident evident in his voice.

James looked at him and said, "I'm here for your sister, not to argue."

The blonde boy scoffed and said, "Answer my question or I won't ask so nicely next time." Making him receive a glare from Alexandra.

"Because me and your sister are friends okay? Have been for a bit now." James said, not wanting to argue, he just genuinely wanted to be there for Monroe.

Williams glare hardened, "I swear Potter if you're fu-," William was cut of by Alex yelling, "Pack it in! Pair of you, grow up William and James stop being you, just both of you leave okay? She wouldn't want you arguing near her anyway, I'll stay and watch her."

The two nodded before James slowly let go oh the girls hand and walked away, shortly followed by William, Alex took a seat on the chair James was previously on and grabbed the girls hand, "Boys are a wild breed aren't they love?" She said, knowing she wouldn't get a response, just wanting nothing more than to talk to her sister in that moment.


When Monroe finally came around she had a pounding headache, and a vice like grip on her hand.

She looked over to be met with the sight of a drooling James Potter who was awkwardly slumped in a chair, she smiled and sat up and adjusted his glasses in his face, the touching causing him to jolt awake.

He looked around before he met the blue-green eyes of Monroe Taylor who muttered a quite, "Boo." With a smile on his face as he pulled her into his arms, dragging her onto his lap.

"Jesus Christ, you startled me sweetheart, don't you dare ever do that again." He said as he pressed kisses on her neck and shoulder.

"Sorry Jamie." She said as she held his face in her hands, "did I scare you?" She asked with amusement in her voice.

James nodded and pressed a kiss onto her palm, "More than I thought was possible darling."

She wrapped her arms around his and rested her head in his chest, as he wrapped his arms around her middle, "Sorry love."

"Don't you dare apologise." he said as he lifted her head, making their eyes meet, "it's not your fault my love." He said as she rested her cheek onto his palm, "If you feel comfortable, you can tell me y'know, I'll listen."

She nodded and cleared her throat, "It's silly really," she began as she cleared her throat, "there's this annual party at Malfoy Manner every year, where every family that the smile deems important attends, my father goes every year and for some reason, he always brought Will." She said as she gulped, swallowing the emotions, "but one year when Will was nine, he was really ill he could barely move, so my father had to take me to the party instead, it was cute really eight year old me and my mum getting me all dressed up," she said with a small laugh, "but when we got there their was other children, just me. The whole party I just shadowed my father, but eventually he took me to a room full of men, and one of the they had this really deep voice, and he was fully cloaked, you couldn't see any part of him,

"He let me to this strange room and closed me in, and the minute you entered you just froze." She said with a slight waver in her voice, "It was so cold Jamie, it's like there was this thug that would latch onto you and rip you to the back of the room to watch." She said as a single tear slipped.

He reached up and wiped it away, and said, "Watch what darling?"

She gulped, "The main show, is what my father called it. It was um, god I don't even know what to say," she said with a small fake chuckle, "It was um, a room behind glass and there was this thing, some sort of beast, and there was these people, Jamie, innocent muggles and," she chocked on some tears, "I had to sit and watch James, I had to sit and watch them get murdered." She said as a son escaped her lips as James pulled her in close, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, trying to soothe her, trying anything to stop her from being upset, because it hurt him more than he thought possible.

" She said as a son escaped her lips as James pulled her in close, whispering sweet nothings into her ear, trying to soothe her, trying anything to stop her from being upset, because it hurt him more than he thought possible

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