𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕨𝕠

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Chapter thirty two

Growing distant

She gulped as she stood outside the front door of James' very large estate, she was going to be meeting his mum and dad and staying with them for weeks, she was petrified. But in a good way, because now she got to see James.

She nervously knocked on the door and smiled lightly when she heard James and Remus arguing about who's would open it first, both of them loosing to James' mother.

"Hello Monroe, lovely to meet you." The woman said said with a bright smile as she pulled Monroe into a hug, which the girls eyes grew wide at as she awkwardly returned it, noticing Remus trying to suppress his laughter.

"Hi, thank you for having me Mrs. Potter." she said with a small smile as she pulled away, the older woman smiled and said, "It's my pleasure, and please, call me Euphemia."

Monroe just nodded awkwardly with a small smile as the woman looked between her and James with a smile and walked away with a knowing look.

"Hello, love." James said as he walked towards her and engulfed her in a tight hug which she immediately returned.

"Hi." She said quietly, just enjoying finally seeing him after weeks.

"Alright James move, she's my friend." Monroe smiled wildly and immediately pulled away and walked towards Remus.

"There's my Wolf boy!" She exclaimed happily as she hugged him, using the nickname she'd adapted for him since James accidentally let it slip.

"I'm starting to think you like Remus more than me." James said when the two pulled away from their embrace.

"Okay I'm feeling that some snogging is coming so I'm leaving." Remus said as he looked at them with a smile and went back up the stairs.

"I missed you." She said as she kissed him lightly, over and over and over, until he had to stop her, "as much as I'd like this to escalate, we need to take your bags full of clothes cause you have way to many to your room."

She hummed as he pulled away and grabbed her bags from the front porch, "And after that can these ones end up on your bedroom floor?" She asked innocently.

James groaned, "You've gotta do this to me? Absolutely. Yes, fuck yes." He's said as he walked up the stairs at a fast pace, making Monroe chuckle at him as she followed.


"You're not wearing your necklace." James said as he traced patterns on her bare upper arm, the only thing shielding her body from the cool air blowing through the window was the thin sheet she had draped over herself, her clothes ending up on his bedroom floor as promised.

"Looking at my chest Potter? Thought you was better than that." She said with faux offence making him roll his eyes and say, "I've seen that and much more many times, I'm sure you don't mind. Now, tell me why."

She sighed and rested her head on his chest as she said, "She's been distant, ignoring me, so I though if she's not even saying hello to me when we pass in the hallways, why should I wear the necklace."

James was about to say something when his bedroom door flung open, causing his to turn to hide his girlfriends bare body from the person, "James your mum said dinners ready, Woah!" The voice of Sirius exclaimed as he turned around.

"Yes Sirius we're coming close the fucking door!" He exclaimed causing the black haired boy to do so hurriedly as James groaned and rested his head in the crook of Monroes he has she laughed.

"C'mon you big baby, get dressed," she said as she stood up and grabbed her clothes off of the floor, "Stop looking at my arse."

"No." James said as also stood to get dressed with a smirk.

" James said as also stood to get dressed with a smirk

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Short chapters are my whole personality right now

𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐉.𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now