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Chapter eleven

You're my, best friend

"Get away from me." Monroe said as Sirius sat down besides her in charms, she had no energy to deal with his shit, especially after she'd said yes to go on a date with his best friend.

She's stayed up all night bothering Alex whether or not to cancel, if the whole idea was just so incredibly stupid that it's mental that she even said yes in the first place.

It was nine in the morning, she'd had a cigarette for breakfast, she was hungry, tired, and couldn't be asked to deal with Sirius Black.

"Calm down princess, I cause no harm, it's just I either sit next to you or Griffin, who picks his nose and eats it and plays with bubblegum he finds on the underside of the desk."

A shiver ran down Monroes spine as she got the memories of when she had to do an assignment with him I'm first year - well he done it, she just took credit - and he had no sense of hygiene at all.

"Just don't talk to me, can't be bothered to deal with you." Monroe sighed as she pulled a piece of gum out of her bag and offered one to Sirius who took it with a nod of thanks.

The two sat in silence for twenty minutes Monroe being bored and making paper butterflies that flew round the desk as Sirius drew zig zags on the parchment instead of taking down notes.

"I'm not writing notes 'cause I can't be asked, what's your excuse Taylor?" Sirius whispered as he looked at Monroes butterflies that where flying around the two.

"I know all of this already." She said as one of the butterflies landed on her finger, "learnt it all last summer."

"What you learn advanced charms in summer? I thought you'd be doing something different." Sirius said in confusion.

She shrugged, "Y'know once you've hexed all the children and cursed all the cats and dogs to not shut up, you get bored." She said sarcastically.

Sirius rolled her eyes at her, if it wouldn't harm James' chance at this bet, he would say every thought of a bad word he had right there in that moment.


"And then he was like, 'just because you're the captain doesn't mean you're the best on the team' and I was like, obviously, it does," Alex was ranting but when she noticed Monroe just fiddled with the ring on her pointer finger said, "Mons! Are you listening? And you've hardly touched your food, you didn't eat breakfast today, or lunch."

The girls green eyes moved to her friend, "Sorry Lex, yeah I heard you third years have a lot of nerve I know."

Alex gave her a soft look and whispered so no one around could hear, "No, Mons, y'know that's not what I meant," making Monroe look down and fiddle with her ring again, "if it's getting bad again I've told you, tell me. Okay? No matter what time, place or day. I'm here for you love, I always will be."

"I'm not trying. I promise." She said under her breath as she looked up, "it's not even bad okay? I just forgot, slipped my mind with everything about Will, James, my family it's just the last thing on my mind right now. But I promise, as soon as it gets bad, if it gets bad, and that's a big if, you'll be the first t'know, okay?"

Alex nodded slowly, "First person Mons, I'm serious. It got really bad last time, I hated seeing you like that."

Monroe nodded, "First Alex, I swear, now I've gotta go see Will. Love you."

"Love you too." Alex said slowly as she worriedly watched her friend walk away.


"A date? Really Jay, I thought you was gonna get her in your bed and leave? What about me?" Lily asked as she was running her hand up and down James' arm, the boys eyes focused on the green-eyed girl across the room, glaring daggers at her food in front of her.

James sighed and rubbed his hands over his face, "What about you Lily?"

The red-head pouted, "Us James what about us, I thought we was going somewhere."

James groaned audibly, "Lily we fucked once last year, okay? We was both pissed out of our minds and agreed that it was a one time thing. It didn't mean you start some crazy obsession and not leave me alone for five minutes." He said, annoyed as the red head looked at him angrily and just stood up without a word and walked over to sit next to Marlene.

"What's got you all pissed off?" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just thinks 'cause we fucked, it leads somewhere, if that happened Sirius would have about 20 failed relationships and a couple failed marriages."

"What'd I do?" Sirius questioned with raise eyebrows as Remus laughed, "anyway, where you taking bitchy Betty on this 'date' then?"

James shrugged, "'Dunno, take her to the black lake or something."

"And do what, drown her?"

"No Wormtail, maybe like a picnic or something? Girls like those right?"

"Girls yes," began Sirius, "Monroe Taylor's? Not so sure." Making him receive a smack over the head with a book from Remus.


"You have always been stupid haven't you?" Monroe said as she opened Williams door to see him getting his hand tangled in his tie.

She walked up to him and slapped his ands away and began tying the fabric as William nervously tapped his foot, something not going unnoticed by his sister.

"It's going to be okay," she said as she finished tying, "your going to come home tonight, I'll come and see you, you can vent, cry, be static or just be Will. But I will be here, and you'll be okay."

He smiled down at her and pulled her into a hug, "I'd be lost without Dahlia." He said, using her middle name, something the two had always done.

She chuckled and returned the hug, "You too Hugo."

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Bit of a filler chapter before the date

I think this book might range anywhere from 20 - 40 chapters but I don't think it'll be any longer, it all depends on the chapters length

The story isn't moving too fast though, if that is a concern, because as I've said loads of time, I like plot twists

If you saw mistakes, no you didn't, love ya

(P.s 1989 (Taylor's version) omggg I pre-ordered the vinyl and the blue deluxe cd's for the photos, love you Tay Tay)

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