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"You look beautiful." Monroe turned around from the mirror she was looking in when she heard the voice behind her, she recognised it immediately to be Alexandera's.

Monroe smiled as she smoothed the skirt of the dress, "Are you sure it's not too white?"

Alex smiled as she walked towards her bestfriend, "A wedding dress being too white, I've never heard of that before, love."

Monroe laughed as she remembered why she was here, why she was in this beautiful dress, she was marrying her best friend, the love of her life, her James.

"I've got you something," Alex said as she pulled out a small box from No where, "But you have to promise not to cry."

Monroe smiled and rolled her eye, "Promise, Lex."

She handed Monroe the box and the blonde didn't expect what was inside, at all, "Oh, Andra." She whispered as tears flooded her waterline.

"No, you said your wouldn't cry." She said with a smile as Monroe  picked the bracelet up from the box, it was like the two she always wore on her wrist, "You found Max's bracelet,"

"Mhm." She said biting her lip, suppressing a small tear, "it took so much time searching the whole manor, you k ow where it was? Underneath the floorboard in his bedroom, little rodent dug holes for things." She said making the both of them laugh as Monroe tied it on next to hers and Williams, they matched perfectly, but the sweet moment was interrupted but a k com in the door.

"Yes?" Monroe said, making Remus peak his head through the door, "You ready Mo?"

She nodded as she walked towards her other bestfriend as Alex left the room to go to where she was needed, "Thank you for walking me down the isle Rem." She said with a smile.

"You're my little sister Mons, I wouldn't rather do anything else." He's said with a whisper as he kissed her head, "quick question, you told Jamie 'bout the little magical baby's yet?"

She shook her head, "Nope. Now stop talking before somebody hears you."

He chuckled, "Alright boss." Before the doors open and he led her towards her soon to be husband who looked at her like she out shone the night sky.

" Before the doors open and he led her towards her soon to be husband who looked at her like she out shone the night sky

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"I love you, so so much." James whispered agains Monroes forehead as the two swayed on the dance floor, they was married, she was officially Mrs Potter.

"I love you too, Jamie." She whispered back before taking the chance, "I have something to tell you."

"Not regretting marrying me already are you, sweetheart?" He said with a laugh, "It's too late to go back now."

She smiled and shook her head, "not at all Jamie," she gulped, "I'm um, I'm pregnant. Twins."

James stood completely still that it scared her for a second before the biggest smile she had ever seen took over his features, "You're joking."

She shook her head, "No, we're having babies Jamie."

She giggled when he picked her up and swung her round and kissed her gently, "I'm gonna be a dad."

She smiled, "You sure are Jamie. But Alex and Rem have already called god mother and father if one of them."

He chuckled, "They can have that. I've got all I need right here in my arms." The rest of the spent the night that way, together.

The amount of reads and love this book has gotten has made me ever grateful, thank you so much, the sequel, if the golden era which is Mattheo riddle x oc will be published as soon as possible for a thank you <3

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The amount of reads and love this book has gotten has made me ever grateful, thank you so much, the sequel, if the golden era which is Mattheo riddle x oc will be published as soon as possible for a thank you <3

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