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Chapter Nineteen

The words of a brother, come back in whispers

James stared at her sleeping figure adoringly, it was currently two in the morning and after their  activities Monroe had drifted off and James had laid awake ever since, staring at her sleeping figure, the blanked draped over her as she slowly breathed in and out.

He inched closer and pressed a feather light kiss to her neck so she wouldn't wake, and brushed her hair out of her face as he said, "I love you Monnie," he whispered as he pressed another kiss, "so fucking much."


Later that day, Alex and Monroe stood in the green-blue eyed girls room, rummaging through all of her clothes to find something nice to wear to the party.

"This seems like a boring way to spend your birthday." Alex said as she sat on the other girls bed making the girl groan.

"Alex, no." She said as she turned around and walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open a crack so the other girl could still hear her, "It's wonderful, I've got you, I've got James. That's fine." She said as she walked out in a tight-fit black dress and looked at Alex for approval as the girl nodded.

Alex was about to question her choices when a knock sounded on the door, "I swear this thing knocks every five minutes." Monroe muttered as she walked and opened it, only to be met with no one, but instead a small box at the bottom of her feet.

She picked it up and kicked the door closed behind her, "What is it?" Alex asked, confused.

Monroe shrugged as she opened the box and saw a little note inside that read, 'Happy Birthday Monnie, I'll see you soon - James - p.s, next time please tell me it's your birthday' she smiled slightly and removed the paper covering the object and her smile grew wider when she saw what it was.

It was a bracelet, littered with green gemstones, and in the middle was a charm, a flower charm, but not any charm, a dahlia charm.

"Lover boys got good taste, love." Alex said as she looked over Monroes shoulder and smiled at the note the boy had written.

"He sure does," she agreed as she clipped the bracelet, "Now c'mon Lex, time to get drunk." She smirked as she grabbed her friends hand a dragged her out of the dorm room.


When the two arrived the party was in full swing, people grinding on each other, people drinking, and alcohol everywhere.

"Want a drink?" Alex yelled over the music and a Monroe nodded, the two holding onto each others hand, not wanting to get lost among the sea of sweaty dancers.

The two arrived at the table where Alex poured a bunch of random alcohols into cups and handed one too Monroe, "Cheers!" Alex yelled as the two clinked their plastic cups together and the two girls smiled at each other.

"Monroe!" The girl turned around when she heard her name being slurred by a voice, she met the yes of none other than Remus Lupin, the very drunk boy wrapping one of his a,ex around her shoulder, "Hello love, you look amazing! James doesn't deserve you, even if he says he's not going to go through with it anymore." He said before he walked off, saying something about Sirius being a prick, leaving Monroe confused.

"Mons look." Alex said as she pointed in the direction of James who was not getting left alone by a certain very annoying ginger.

"Fucking bitch." She muttered as she saw her attempt to kiss him, she placed her cup on the table and walked over to them, ignoring Alex's words of protest.

"Lily! I'm so not glad to see you! We're leaving now, fuck off!" Monroe said sickly sweetly as she led James away, up the stairs of the boys dormitories, the two entering James' empty one.

"Hello, love." James said with a smile as she closed the door, the sound of shouting and music becoming muffled, "Happy birthday." He said as he kissed her lightly.

She smiled and said, "Thank you, I love the bracelet."

"Good, took me ages to find something good for you, you don't like many things." James said as he lowered her down onto his bed, him climbing on top of her and pressing light kisses to her neck as she responded, "That's not true, I like my mum and Will, and Alex, Celia and Remus, and pumpkin tea." He said but became breathless rather quickly when James kissed the sweet spot of her neck.

"Hmm, anyone else?" He questioned as his breath fanned over her neck and he grinned when he saw her gulp, "Not that I'm aware of."

"Oh really?" He asked, "not one person? Boy maybe, brown hair, effortlessly gorgeous."

"Nope." She shade, popping the p.

"Guess I'll just stop right here then, let then birthday girl sort herself out later." He said as he tried to get up, making Monroe use her hand to keep his head down.

"You, I like you, so much, especially when you're doing that." She said as James resumed his kisses, she could feel him smiling in victory against her neck.


"Remus said something strange earlier." Monroe said as the two now laid in James bed, the party still raging downstairs as Monroe sat in James bed with only the boys shirt on and James sat with a pair of joggers and no top - definitely not because she stole his top as soon as he got it out.

"Like what sweetheart?" James asked as he traced patters on her knuckles.

"I don't even know it's so strange, he was like, 'James doesn't deserve you' and like 'he said he wouldn't go through with it' but bare in mind he was pissed out drunk." She said, and James felt lucky that she wasn't looking at him because he could feel himself turn pale.

"Rem does strange things when he's drunk, blurts out a load of nonsense." James said as she met his eyes and nodded slowly and said, "I'm gonna put my dress on nick this top to sleep in and go back to my dorm, you gonna come?"

James nodded, "Yeah birthday girl, I'll be there soon, don't want to be suspicious."

She quickly changed and left, informing Alex of her leaving while he sat and plotted clean ways to murder Remus.

She quickly changed and left, informing Alex of her leaving while he sat and plotted clean ways to murder Remus

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69 days till 1989 (Taylor's Version)!

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