𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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Chapter twenty seven

Swallowing my pride

"Monroe?" The girls head whipped around when she heard her name being uttered into the night, shattering the peace she had found.

"Sirius." She sighed, relived that it was only her friend and not Lucius or James, "what's the matter? You and daddy had another argument?"

"Nothing," he said as he sat beside her by the railing, "just wanted to talk to you."

"About?" She asked as she lit a cigarette between her lips, offering one to the boy who shook his head in response.

He looked at her as she looked straight ahead and sighed, "James."

"Sirius, no," she said as she turned her head towards him and shook her head, "I don't need to hear your aggravating voice go on about James."

"I know that and I'm sorry," he began, "but please trust me when I say, I'm doing this for you both. I know for a fact that I've never seen James so remorseful and upset and sorry," when he saw Monroe pull a face he spoke before she could say something sarcastic, "and I know that has nothing to do with you and him whatsoever, okay I know that. But when I say that when he started to really feel for you, he changed, James has had a lot of shit go on in his life but when you came along I've never seen him so happy Taylor."

She took a long drag of the cigarette before he continued, "And I know he fucked up majorly when he didn't tell you about the bet. But he didn't tell you because he cares about you so much. And the past few days he's been such a cunt because you refuse to talk to him." He continued with a breathy laugh towards the end while Monroe showed a tiny smile.

"But what I'm basically saying is, he's an absolute love sick fool who lost his girl and won't stop whinging about it when it's all his fault, but he does care, and the major portion of your relationship was real and he cares about you more than I can express into words. And I'm not saying you should just forgive him, trust me I know that giving his the idea of the bet was fucked and I'm sorry, and consider yourself lucky 'cause I never admit my faults. I just want you to think this through, hear him out. If not for his benefit than for your own."

She rested her head against the woods of the railing as she breathed in deep, "I care about him so much it hurts. Every fucking day I just want to swallow my pride and listen to him talk about blood quidditch for hours," she sighed, "But I can't. I have to do this for myself, and if that means pretending to hate James for the rest of my life. Then so be it."


"I can't believe you've dragged me here." Monroe said in disgust as she followed Alex towards the quidditch field the next day with a look of disgust on her face.

"Oh c'mon!" Alex exclaimed, "it's against the Gryffindors and one of the most important games of the season. Now got sit in the stands and stop being depressed cause of your boyfriend." She said before she walked off to join the rest of her team.

"Bitch." Monroe muttered before she walked to the bleachers and sat alone as she twirled her wand between her fingers waiting for the match to begin as he eyes ventured over to the corner where the Gryffindor team was gathered, her eyes drifting to a certain solemn looking brown eyed boy.

The game started soon and when Monroe said she had zero clue what was going on and who was winning, she wasn't lying, her eyes getting confused among the blur of red and green whipping around the field mid air.

It all happens rather quickly, two blurs of green ramming into both sides of a Gryffindor as he reached for the golden flying ball that was the snitch, it was happening in slow motion the boys grip slipping form his broom at the force of the other two people slamming into him as he eventually lost his balance and fell.

It was then that she noticed the name that adorned the back of his uniform in big bold, writing,


That moment, that was the most scared she'd ever been in her life.

That moment, that was the most scared she'd ever been in her life

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My current fav thing in life - short ass chapters

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