𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Chapter forty four

Everlasting bonds

James tried to be as quite as possible as when he opened Monroes bedroom door, being cautious that the girl may be asleep, but the effort was pointless as she was still laying there, eyes wide open, burning a whole into the wall in front of her.

"Monnie," he muttered as he walked round the bed, kneeling down to her eye level, "you feeling any better?" He didn't blame her for not answering, it was a stupid question really.

"Alexandra told me about Maxwell." James could hear her breathing frees as her eyes became void of all emptiness and became full of resentment, sadness, rage.

"She had no right." Her voice was dry and horse due to the lack of liquids she'd had in the last few days.

"I know, love," James began as he tucked a piece of her tangled hair behind her ear, "but this isn't healthy. You've not eaten for days."

"I've done it before. I'll live."

"This is different from what you've done before though," James said as he shook his head, "this time a very dangerous man is after you, and this time you have me, and I'm not going to let you go through this alone anymore."

She audibly gulped, trying to swallow back the emotion building in her throat as James continued, "I'm here for you. For anything, to talk to, to scream at, to love, to hate anything you need, love I'm here for you."

She let out a shaky breath, "They're both gone Jamie and it's all my fault."

James shook his head instantly, moving to sit beside her laying figure in the bed as the curled towards his chest, "Don't say that. They did it for you. Because they love you."

She didn't say anything as she say up and hugged him tightly, digging her head into his shoulder as he could feel her tears begging to form a wet patch on hid top, but he didn't care. He would do anything to make sure she's okay.


"Do you know why I have this supposed 'extra power'?" Those were the first words Monroe muttered in an hour, the two just siting peacefully in each others presence.

"I do actually." James said as he ran his fingers through her hair absentmindedly, "my dad looked it up. Apparently when two witches or wizards bond with each other in such a strong way they form something called an 'everlasting bond', and when one of them passes, their magic flows into the living one."

Monroe raised her head and looked at him, "So you're telling me that I have Max's magic as well as mine? That's mental. And surely if this is in book than it's happened before, why's it so important that it happened with me?"

"That's the thing Mon," he began, "everlasting bonds don't just happen. They're so incredibly rare. There's only been three others recorded in the history of the magic world."

"That's wonderful," she began sarcastically, "both of my brothers are dead and now I'm being hunted by a loon, cause of one of said dead brothers magic has somehow magically gripped ahold of me, I'm a dead woman walking."

"Don't say that," James said with a firm look, "Cause I don't care if people are say we're too young or naive I'm gonna marry you one day.  I swear to you, once this is all over, it'll happen, I'll make sure of it." He whispered against her forehead as he tucked her hair behind her ears.

"You better keep that promise Potter," she said as she wrapped her arms around his middle tightly, "because I quite like the sound of that."


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