𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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Chapter thirty three

Uncomfortable conversations

The only word that Monroe could use to describe the dinner table was awkward. She sat between James and Remus, the two boys eating silently as Sirius and Peter sat across, the former not looking up from his plate, traumatised after walking in on James and Monroe, and James' parents sat at the heads of the table.

Mr. Potter cleared his throat, clearing the silence as well, and looked towards Monroe and said, "I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself, I'm James' father, but you can call me Fleamont."

She looked at him a smiled lightly, "Nice to meet you, I'm Monroe, thank you for letting me stay, you've got a lovely home." She said nervously, not liking everyone's gaze on her.

The elder man smiled and said, "Monroes a very nice name, what's its origin if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well, my grandmother was form Scotland, my fathers mother, and it was her maiden name and she really liked it so she made my father name me it." She said said as she rubbed the back of her neck, uncomfortably.

"Who is your father May I ask? I may have gone to Hogwarts with him." He asked as James placed a hand on her thigh reassuringly as he noticed her begin to fiddle with her ring, a nervous habit.

"Um, Malcom Taylor, he was a Slytherin?" She said, it coming out more of a question as she watched the smiled on the man's mouth melt away as he looked down at his plate.

"Oh, yes, I knew Malcom." He said, but Monroe didn't respond noticing the man's change in personality.

She just swallowed and looked down at her food that had been barley touched as the silence lifted as Remus and Sirius became arguing loudly about quidditch game they had watched earlier, James leaned over and whispered in Monroes ear, "You alright love?"

Making her turn to him and nod, James not believing her at all when his eyes caught a glimpse of the skin she had been picking around her nails.


"James can I talk to you for a second?" The boy turned around form the bottom of the stairs when he heard his mothers voice behind him, the woman beckoning him to follow her into the living room.

"What's the matter?" He questioned as he sat on the sofa besides her and placed the ice cream he had grabbed for him and Monroe on the table.

She breathed in sharply, "Well earlier I heard Sirius walk into your room and I heard him yelling and I know that you and Monroe-," she didn't get to finish when James cut her off sharply, "Please don't say it!"

She nodded, understanding how insufferable this must be for him and said, "So I've got some rules, Monroe sleeps in her own bedroom, no exceptions, and if your alone in a room together during the day, the door stays open, okay?"

"If I say okay can this conversation end?" James asked as he held his head in his hands, his embarrassment becoming to much.

"Yes, go," she said but as he stood and picked up the ice cream, she said, "And if you somehow sneak past your father and I, use protection, I don't need and babies around here."

James groaned loudly in embarrassment before leaving and rushing up the stairs to lock himself in a room and never talk to anyone again.

Except Monroe.

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This photo is my whole personality

This photo is my whole personality

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