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Chapter thirty

Alls well that ends well to end up with you

She just laid there. On the floor of the tower, just living.

She missed James, she fucking hates her pride. Her dignity. Her fucking mental issues that kept telling her that he was going to hurt her again.

So, here she lay in the middle of the night, the only time she could truly have peace on the floor of the astronomy tower.

That was until she heard footsteps clambering up the stairs making her groan and throw her head back.

Everyone had to disturb her peace.

"Monnie?" She jumped up to her feet when she heard James voice and immediately began shaking her head, "Nope, not happening sorry." She said as she tried to walk past him, but he grabbed her shoulder, preventing it.

"Please let me talk." He begged as he looked at her with so many emotions in his eyes that she couldn't bare to look, so she just looked at the ground.

Not receiving an answer, he took that as a yes. And took a deep breath in and began, "When I first began this bet I hated you more than anything, and I mean anything." She rolled her eyes so he continued, "but that day in the library, something changed. I saw a side to you that I've never seen before. I saw someone kind, resilient and so fucking strong. Stronger then anyone I know. You've been through hell and back and you still never fucking waver and I admire you more than words can express." He breathed out, trying to find the way to say the next thing,

"But I'm not here to talk about how much I admire you, I'm here to tell you how much you mean to me," he sighed out, "ever since the library Monnie, I've been trying to convince myself that my feelings were fake, driven by my weird obsession to win the fucking bet, but they're not, they're the furthest thing form it." She clenched her eyes closed as shook her head, "James please."

He shook his head, "No, I'm going to be selfish right now because I need you to listen," he took a deep breath in, "I love you. I love you so much, more than anything. I love the way your eyes crease when you laugh. I love your eyes, how the always look fucking heavenly. I love how you start spontaneously singing in the shower. I love when you wear my clothes. I love when you wear the bracelet I got you. I love how you get so stressed out at character's in your books that you launch them across the room." He said with a chuckle, "I love how you're not scared to show emotion in front of me," he said as he wiped a rouge tear from her cheek, "I love you. More than words can express. I don't give zero fucks about the bet, or Lily, or what anyone has to say about us, because I love you." He said as a tear of his own escaped,

"And I know I royally fucked us up Monnie. But please, give me a chance. One more. If I do anything wrong and I mean anything even if I pull the blanket off of you when you sleep you can end it, but I just need one more chance, to prove myself." He took a breathe in, and Monroe saw that he was about to start rambling again so she made the choice, she leant in and kissed him.

He returned it immediately with no hesitation, he'd been waiting for this for too long, he needed it.

"You talk a lot." She said as she pulled away, her voice cracking as she rested her forehead against his and said, "One more chance James and if you prove me a fool for this too, I'll kill you. No hesitation, you'll be unforgettable cursed."

He nodded frantically and pulled her in and lifted her up, making her legs wrap around his waist as he hugged her tightly, as if she would up and leave at any minute.

"You won't have too," James said as he pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder, "I'll do it myself."

"Oh and by the way," she began with a small grin as she rested her forehead against his again, his hands supporting her legs, "I love you too. You kiss arse."

James smiled wildly and kissed her again, and again, and again, leaving her a mess of giggles as he hugged her against him.

He'd gotten her back. His girl. His Monnie. And he was never going to fuck it up again, he would make sure of it.

Don't mind me, I'm just crying because this book has hit one thousand reads and I just finished part one of it

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Don't mind me, I'm just crying because this book has hit one thousand reads and I just finished part one of it.

I love this book and the characters and the story with the entirety of my heart. I love writing for this book in particular because it's always felt special and I'm so incredibly thankful that hundreds of other love and appreciate it too.

I love you, and I'll see you in part two.

I'm not going to tell you anything about it yet because, there will be no explanation, there will just be reputation, because I am dramatic.

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