𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕚𝕩

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Chapter thirty six

Breakdowns, fighting

"Will, how can I help you, love?" Azalea Taylor said, as he son had come up to her in the living room, a solemn look that seemed to be permanently etched onto his face, which large dark bags under his eyes.

"Where's Dahlia?" He said as he looked towards his mother as she cleared her throat and said, "She's gone to stay with Alexandra for a few weeks, did she not tell you before she left?"

William shook his head, confused, Monroe had told him that Alexandra had gone to Germany for summer, but he decided not to say anything on the matter, not wanting to rat out his little sister, "No. She's not been talking to me much lately."

The older woman smiled at him sadly, "I'm sorry Will. I'm sure she'll come around eventually."

"She fucking won't cause you and dad made me get this fucking mark." He muttered as he ran a hand through his hair.

"I had no part in that William!" She exclaimed as she stood, "that was your father, if you think I'd let you go through that torment all over again William Hugo Taylor you are severely delusional!"

"So what'd you so?" He questioned harshly, "Fucking nothing that's what! You stood there and watched your children get fucking tortured and tormented their whole lives and did nothing! Everyone's put Mon's on the blacklist because she fell for a so called 'blood traitor'! She's human mum and a fucking child! She needed you and you couldn't spare her a glance! She's had to fucking flee you and this depressing place because she's got no body! I have nobody mum except her, and now she can barley look me in the eye for longer than a second!" He breathed in and met her eyes, "some great mother you are." He said before walking away, going to find out where his little sister had truly gone.


"Remus you better have a good excuse for dragging me out of bed at two in the morning!" Monroe whisper yelled to the boy, who shushed her as he led her through the hallways of the large house, leading her out of the back door and towards the edge of the woods that the garden led into, where she noticed the other two boys sitting on some lawn chairs.

"My baby!" James exclaimed as he saw the girl approaching, clearly on something as he grabbed her hand and pulled her down to sit on his lap.

"What's wrong with him?" She questioned as she looked at Remus, as her boyfriend rested his head on her shoulder.

"He's high," Remus said with a shrug as Peter handed him a cigarette type thing, "extremely high. Wouldn't shut up 'bout how he wanted to see you." He said, taking a puff.

"Right." She said as she looked at the brunette boy who kept giggling at nothing, "Merlin who much had he smoked?" She asked.

"A whole lot," Sirius said as he took a puff and help it out towards Monroe, "want some."

The girl shrugged in a, 'why not' gesture, Sirius having to hand her the joint due to James' tight grip around her waist.

She breathed in the smoke with ease as she passed it back to Peter and turned her attention to the boy who was latching onto her like his life depended on it, "You okay?"

The boys eyes lit up, "Yeah now that you're here. Is it just me or is everything funny? Except your eyes, I love your eyes." He said with a laugh.

"He's soaring." She said as she got hold on the blunt again, taking a drag before passing it around, "this a regular occurrence then? Getting high and getting clingy?"

"Yup." Sirius said, popping the p, "except there's normally no one to cling onto."

She rolled her eyes, "Look I know you don't like me, but if you can't tell, I'm trying my best to accommodate you two here, I've not seen you other than meal's since I arrived a week ago, and James had been with you every second. What have I actually done to you personally that makes you not like me?"

"Nothing," Peter said, "You was a real prick to James for a long while though. Pissed us all off."

"Yeah well if you can't tell, he's forgiven me," she said annoyed as she referenced the boy who was clinging onto her waist for dear life, "so I assume you can too."

"You're alright I suppose." Sirius said as he looked up, "less bitchy. Still not fond of the fact that you lit me on fire though."

She shrugged, "You deserved it."

"You did to be fair, and I can only imagine how se-," James was cut off when Monroe hurriedly placed a hand over his mouth, making Remus chuckle, "Did I not mention he overshares a lot when he's high?"

"No Remus you didn't. Fuck you."

Longest chapter I've written in ages, I deserve a meddle

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Longest chapter I've written in ages, I deserve a meddle.

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