𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

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Chapter thirty seven


Malfoy Manner had never been a place lit with joy and colour. But it never look as dark and dull as it did now, on this Tuesday night, the large dark oak table resting in the middle of the room, death eaters filling the mass of chairs as the dark lord sat at the head of the table, his presence alone enough to petrify the whole room.

William was trying to hide his fear, the way his hands were trembling and breathing felt like the most difficult task in the world, this was his first meeting and he had been sat besides his father, who he had never seen so tense.

"Malcolm," the shrill voice of the dark lord caused shivers to roll down Williams spine, "It's almost time and still can't seem to locate are young witch, care to tell me where she may be?"

Wills eyes doubled in size, what did the dark lord want with his baby sister? And why hadn't his father informed him of it?

Malcom gulped and said, "She's away for the moment, my lord. My deepest apologies."

The cloaked man hummed, "Do you care to tell me where she may be?"

"With the Mahogany family, my Lord. Her and Alexandra are very close friends, sisters even."

"Now that's where my issue lies," The man said as he stood, and began walking towards Malcom, every step he took felt like a lifetime, "it was just yesterday when one of my dear followers, Adam Mahogany, and he informed me that he and his family where away for the summer, with no additional guests. Care to explain?" He finished as he now stood behind the older man's chair.

Malcom clenched his eyes and opened them, "I'm so sorry, my lord. She informed me that she would be staying with them. I haven't a clue where she must be."

"My, my," he said in a harsh whisper, "that's no very good is it, someone must know where she is." The man turned his attention to the blonde boy sitting besides his father, "what about our new arrival? Young William, do you know where your dear sister is?"

The tremble in Williams hand intensified instantly as he gulped and responded with a shaky voice, "I'm sorry that I don't know, my lord."

He knew. Of course he knew she was with James. He'd found out the moment his mother told him that she was with Alex. He also knew that lying to the most evil and cunning man in the world was a horrendous idea, but he would rather die than with this life in his sister. His sister was his everything, and he would protect her from these dark meetings, the constant shame and fear, for however long he could.

"Are you lying to me?" The man questioned harshly, causing William to instantly shake his head, "Of course not, my lord."

"Good," he said as he began the walk back to his seat at the head of the table, "because is I find out you are, the outcome will not be very kind," he looked back towards Malcolm, "Find the girl. Her abilities could bring me great strength."

Malcom nodded with a quite, 'yes my lord'.

But all Williams mind could think on is what the man had meant by his sisters, 'abilities'.


Monroes eyebrows drew together when she heard some commotion happening downstairs, so she done what any teenager would do, she went to look at what was causing the fuss.

She did have to admit though that sleep shorts and James' quidditch hoodie wasn't the best attire for the frosty night, especially with the breeze blowing in through the open front door.

"James?" She questioned when she saw her boyfriend talking to a figure at the door in a hissed manner, "What's the matter, love?"

"Monnie, there's someone here for you." He said slowly as he moved out of the way, revealing a very antsy and nervous Alexandra.

"Lex," she breathed out as she quickly went towards her friends, "What, um why are you here? How did y'know I was here?"

She just shook her head, that's when Monroe noticed the tear that had slipped out of the corner of her eyes, "He's coming for you, Mons."

"Who?" The girl questioned, confused on the whole situation.

"The dark lord," Alex breathed out, her voice sounding petrified, "he's looking for you, he's looking for you and he took my parents cause he thought they were hiding you."

Monroe was frozen, she just pulled her friend into a hug as a tear of her own slipped form her eyes, "It's okay Lex. We'll get them, back it's okay." She whispered into her friends ear.

Alex shook her head and pulled away, "No. I'm worried about you, he's coming for you, Monroe and I don't think he'll stop till he knows where you are."

🎶 baby we're the New Romantics come on come along with me, heartbreak is the national anthem we sing it proudly🎶

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🎶 baby we're the New Romantics come on come along with me, heartbreak is the national anthem we sing it proudly🎶

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