𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖

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Chapter twenty five

Light me up

"James get up." Sirius said the next morning as he was rushing around the room due to his running late and James hadn't even gotten out of bed yet.

"No." James said quietly as he continued to lay there refusing to even move his head up.

"James stop moping and get your ass up!" Sirius said getting agitated with the boy.

"No Sirius just fuck off!" James said, reaching from a pillow off of the floor and throwing it at him, making Sirius roll his eyes, "It's not my fault your girlfriend hates you, so don't take it out on me!"

"It's not your fucking fault?" James said angrily sitting up, "You're the one who made up this fucking bet anyway! This is all your fucking fault!"

"Yeah James I may be the one who came up with the idea for the bet, but you're the one who excepted it, so to me, that means that I'm the reason you even began to love her anyway!" He said back.

"Merlin's sake just piss off!" James yelled causing Sirius to roll his eyes before exiting the room, leaving James there contemplating ever decision he's ever made.


"You need to talk to Monroe because James needs to stop moping in bed all day and needs to stop acting like an absolute cunt." Sirius said as he sat down besides Remus.

"I've tried," Remus said, "she made me promise not to talk about him I front of her, James may be acting like a prick but it's his own fault, I'm not going to convince her to forgive him if she doesn't want too."

"Fine," Sirius began, standing up at the sound of the bell, "If you won't I will."

"Sirius!" But Remus' yells fell on deaf ears as the boy continued walking down the hallway, making Remus run his hands over his eyes and say, "My god none of my friends are normal."


"Why do you keep siting next to me? Move." Monroe said, annoyed, when Sirius sat next to her defence against the dark arts.

"Nah, I'm good here, I think we need to have a little chat." He said as he stole the pice of gum from her hand and put it in his mouth.

"About what? How you and all you fucking raging daddy issues need to get the fuck away from me?" She asked as she took another piece of gum out of her bag.

"Woah," Sirius said, "You're a feisty one when your not being lived up by James aren't you?"

"I will fucking kill you." Monroe said, glaring holes into the wooden desk in front of her.

"Oh c'mon Taylor, just put us all out of our misery and go fuc-," Sirius was cutoff when he felt a burning sensation up his leg, he looked down to realise the bottom of his trouser let was just on fire.

"You're fucking crazy!" Sirius yelled, as he shook his leg frantically trying to get the flame out as the teacher tried to calm him.

"No, but karma is a bitch." She said with a smirk as she exited the classroom, not caring that the lesson was far form over.

" She said with a smirk as she exited the classroom, not caring that the lesson was far form over

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