𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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Chapter twenty one

Should've said no

"Monnie, what's the matter?" James asked confused as he stepped towards her.

"Is it true?" She asked sceptically as she eyed him carefully, the strange feeling creeping up her.

"Is what true, darling?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"That I was a bet." She said as she stared at him bluntly, she didn't need an answer, his facial expression said it all, he had paled instantly, "Wow!" She said as she began laughing dryly the action having no humour.

"Monnie please listen." He said gently, voice thick as he walked closer to her.

"Wow, yeah no you don't get to call me that, Taylor should suffice." She said as she looked up at him, she knew her eye where red.

"Monroe Please I'm not calling you Taylor, just please listen to me." He said as his voice sounded strained, as if he was holding back a dam of tears.

"Yeah just answer one thing for me first." She said making James nod, "The whole time, James. You kept it from me the whole time? Honest answers only."

He gulped as his eyes glassed over, "Yes, darling I'm sorry."

She didn't know what to do when she felt a tear fall down her cheek, followed by many more, "Wow I'm so fucking stupid!" She said with a laugh, it not sounding genuine at all due to her tears.

"No you're not, please don't say that, I promise-," James said as tears began to fall for him also seeing the girl he loved like this.

"Yeah y'know what I should've listened to Will and Alex, here I didn't what this." Said as she unzipped the hoodie leaving her in a thin linen sleep top and shorts, "Or this." She said uncoupling the bracelet and throwing it at his chest.

"Love, please, I promise I-," James begged but he didn't get to say anything before he got cut off, "I've not got time for this Potter, we're done, we're gonna go back to how it was before, go fuck yourself." She said before walked past him and rushing down the stairs, James hearing the small sob that escaped her throat echo on the staircase made his tears flow even more and one of his own escaped.


"Remus." James said as he walked into the dorm room, the boy turning to look at James, noticing his tear stained and red face.

Remus didn't say anything as he pulled James into a hug, "I fucking lost her Rem. I've lost her."

Remus didn't say anything, deciding to lecture him later and just let him be his friends much needed shoulder to cry on.


"Hey Will I'm here, I'm sorry I'm late." Monroe said as she entered the boys room straight from the tower after her interaction with James, she promised she would be there for her brother so, she would be.

"Shit, Monroe knock next time!" The boy exclaimed as he hurriedly pulled down his sleeve, but Monroe caught a glimpse of what he was hiding before it was fully covered.

"Will no." She said with a shake of her head, "You didn't."

"I'm sorry. I know this is your one condition but I'm sorry, okay this doesn't change anything please." He said as he looked at her with glassy eyes as a tear ran down her face.

"You're a death eater Will. This changes everything." She said, her brother tried reaching her again, but she shook her head and left, ignoring his calls of protest as she ran and ran till she was outside a certain door and she knocked so loud you could've probably heard it from Ravenclaw tower.

"What Mons what's the matter?" Alexandra's sleepy expression changed to one of full concern when she saw her bestfriend standing there with tear stains down her cheeks.

"Hi." Monroe said, her voice cracking.

Alex didn't need an explanation, at least not now, now she needed to be there for her friend.

Alex didn't need an explanation, at least not now, now she needed to be there for her friend

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68 days till 1989 (Taylor's Version)!

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