𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕨𝕠

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Chapter twenty two

Your secrets end up splashed on the news front page

"Hey, prongs, you didn't get in till after I was asleep last night, get lucky?" Sirius asked the next morning as James tied his tie and Peter had gone with Marlene to breakfast and Remus paused his reading to subtly look at the interaction.

"No." James muttered not bothering to look up from what he was doing.

"Why you so moody, thought you actually liked Taylor?" Sirius asked confused as t9 why his friend looked so somber.

"Just fuck off Sirius!" Yelled James before he just left slamming the door behind him, as Sirius looked at Remus weirdly, "The fucks wrong with him?"

Remus rolled his eyes and stood up to follow James but not before hitting Sirius round the back of the head.


"Why're you still in your pyjamas? Alex why's she still in her pyjamas?" Celia asked as she entered, the girls dorm room to see Alex there with Monroe, the girl smoking while she sat on the windowsill.

"She's not in a very good mood right now CeCe, c'mon were gonna go eat." Alex said as she patted Monroes arm to signal that she was leaving.

"No, wait." The younger girl stated making Alex pause in her steps, "what's wrong?" She asked, directing the question to the blonde girl.

"Nothing Celia, I'm fine." Monroe said as she continued to stare out of the window.

Celia looked at her for a moment before realisation hit her, "It's James isn't it? James done something."

Monroe sighed and jumped off of the windowsill and crouched down so she was at Celia's level, "It doesn't matter CeCe, just go eat with Alex, I'm fine."

"No I'm not going anywhere unless you come," she said, standing her ground, "I may be young, but I'm not stupid, if you don't show up today, James will think he's accomplished something, so get your ass in the bathroom and get dressed."

Monroe looked up at met Alex's eyes but the girl only shrugged with a small grin, "You heard the girl."


"Stop looking like your about to start spontaneously crying and going to hex everyone at the same time." Alex said as the three sat down at their normal spot at the Slytherin table.

"No." Monroe said as she fiddled with the ring in her finger, already regretting letting them convince her to come.

"Why's everyone looking at you? Like more than usual?" Celia's question drew the other girls attention towards everyone in the giant room, everyone having some sort of paper in their hand.

"I don't know." Monroe said as she looked around and saw that they where the only people without that piece of paper, so she done what any sane person would do she stood up and went to the closet table, that being Ravenclaw and said, "One of you give me that scrappy piece of paper or I'll hex you into next year." Getting about seven pieces of paper held up in response.

She grabbed one and went to sit back down and looked at the paper, on it there was a image, one that she'd never seen before but the people where definitely recognisable.

It was of her and James in the kitchens, kissing with above it in curvy handwriting, 'Slytherin princess, or lying Slytherin slut?'.

"Im going to fucking kill him!" Alex said as she looked up to where the Gryffindors where sat and met James' red eyes and Remus' apologetic ones.

"Alex no." Monroe said, but it fell on deaf ears as she noticed James begin walking out of the room, Alex not hesitating at all to follow.

"Y'think this is funny?" Alex said as she met him in the corridor and pushed him against a wall, "fucking lying to her for months than telling the whole school and calling her a slut?"

"It wasn't me Alex I swear." James said as he shook his head, "I promise I wouldn't do this to her."

"You're so fucking lucky William hast seen this yet, cause when he does, he'll fucking kill you with no hesitation."

"Alex I swear it wasn't me, I promise I care about her, I care so fucking much." James said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"You care but you lied to her, made her fucking fall for you!" Alex yelled at him.

"Yes I fucking care Alexandra!" James yelled back as he felt tears well behind his eyes, "I care so much I know everything about her! I know she wears that Azalea necklace everywhere because she hates being away from he mum, I know that her and William call each other by their middle names so they feel special to each other, I know that whenever she's uncomfortable she fiddled with that ring she wears, I know what keeps her awake in the middle of the night, I know how much she cares about you and Celia, I know how much she hates her heterochromo and I fucking know that she's not eaten anything this morning!" James yelled out as he felt a tear slip down his face.

She just shook her head and looked at him disgusted before turning around and walking away, leaving him there with tears falling down his face.

She just shook her head and looked at him disgusted before turning around and walking away, leaving him there with tears falling down his face

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68 days till 1989 (Taylor's version)!

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