Bonus Chapter

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BEING PREGNANT WAS STRESSFUL ENOUGH WITH ONE BABY, BUT WITH TWO? GOD IT WAS A NIGHTMARE. Monroe sighed as she for the seventh time that night rolled out of bed, gently unwrapping herself from her husbands loving hold and she made her way to the kitchen to make herself a glass of water before once again going to try and get some sleep.

She looked down at her stomach as she sipped on the cool liquid, even though they were a pain to deal with, she couldn't wait to meet her babies, and neither could James, he had built a whole nursery for the twins, and he waited on Monroe hand and foot. She found it funny that the person she once hated more than anything was now the person she cared most for in the world. Life was funny.

Once the cup was drained of the liquid, she turned to put the dirty glass in the sink, choosing to deal with the washing up when it wasn't the middle of the night, but she jumped when she unexpectedly felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her from behind and a head place itself on her shoulder.

She smiled at the warm embrace from James, intertwining her fingers with his as he sleepily muttered into her should, "Why're you up so late, sweetheart?"

Monroe hummed as she rested her head back on James' shoulder, eyes drifting closed as she felt awfully content in his hold, "Your babies keep abusing me. I think they're already physically fighting." She muttered, as the words left her mouth James let out a deep sleepy laugh into her shoulder before placing a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

"Sorry about them, take after their mother y'see?," he began as he spun Monroe around she he was now gently resting his hands on her stomach, "rather aggressive, but loveable anyway."

She laughed at his ability to always make the best of anything. Her entire pregnancy he had been there for everything, and they never argued. Well, except for once.

James was determined that Sirius would be the godfather to both of the twins and Monroe could chose the godmother, but because of the girls and Sirius' odd relationship, though it had gotten better over the years, they still wasn't bestfriend, she wanted Remus, he after all was one of her best friends also.

After many conversations and stress, they decided Sirius would be the boys godfather, and Remus would be the girls, and Alex would be the godmother of both, that has always been known from the beginning.

"Thank you Jamie." Monroe whispered as she wrapped her arms around her husband, he as confused but hugged back instantly, "For what, love?"

"Dealing with me for all these years, for never giving up on me." She whispered as she could feel James smiled against her shoulder, he lifted his head and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before saying, "I would never dream of giving up on you, baby. From that night in detention I always knew you were the one for me, the bane of my existence, the love of my life, all at once. Everything."

"My god I love you."

He chuckled before smithing down her blonde hair, messy from twisting ams turing in bed for hours on end, and placing another kiss on her head gently, "I love you so much more. More than you could ever know."


Got bored, wrote this in like five minutes but HEYYY

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