𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕩

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Chapter twenty six

Sweet nothing

"Your girlfriend mate, fucking psycho bitch crazy." Sirius said as he stormed into the dorm room after the incident in defence against the dark arts.

James' and Remus' attention, the other boy having a free period, turned towards Sirius, the boy having scorch marks on his trousers and half of one leg missing.

"What'd she do?" James asked, moving his book down.

"She fucking lit me on fire! Fucking fire James!" He shouted form the bathroom where he was changing.

James just smiled and muttered something that went unheard by Sirius, but, Remus heard him sat the words, "That's my girl." Clear as day.


"You're okay darling, you're safe." James whispered into his girlfriend's hair as she woke up in tears, hardly being able to draw air into her lungs, another nightmare plaguing the unimaginable idea of a dreamless, peaceful sleep.

"Please don't let them take me. Please." She sobbed into his shoulder as he tightened his arms around her middle and his lips brushed against her ear.

"I can't go back and make sure that they never hurt you my love, if I could I would, I promise you that, sweetheart. But I can make sure that they can no longer hurt you. As long as I'm around nothing will happen. I'll make sure you're safe, you're strong, darling, you can do this, they're just memories." He whispered, before he continued whispering sweet words that lulled her back to sleep, as he looked at her peaceful figure the words he'd been itching to say for far to long died on his tongue.

I love you.


She was struggling, that much was obvious, her and William may have made up, but it wasn't the same as before, she felt like she couldn't talk to Alex, she couldn't talk to her mum and she couldn't talk to James.

Fucking James.

He had no right to do his. To make her feels this way, so completely fucking confused. I hate him, she kept trying to convince herself, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

She didn't. She didn't think she ever would. He was her first real boyfriend, the first person other than her brother and Alex that she let in. That she told absolutely everything. That she felt for, that she would kill for.

He fucking betrayed her. He lied. He promised he wouldn't hurt her and he lied right to her face, multiple times.

She wasn't meant to be the one feeling this way. Alone. Completely and utterly defeated. She wasn't the one that done anything wrong. All she did was fall.

She didn't even know why or how she fell in the first place. It's like James was unwilling enchanting her, luring her in and refusing to let her go. And she didn't want him too. She wanted to stay with him for as long as the fates would allow. She wanted to feel, but not with anybody else. It had to be him. It had to be her James.

"Fuckin' hell Jamie, you've completely fucked me over." She whispered into the night as she leant her head on the railing of the astronomy tower as he feet sat below it, swinging back and forth.

She wanted to forgive him. More than anything in the world. She wanted to just run back to his open, safe, familiar arms and stay shielded from all the monsters and beasts that plagued her every waking hour while he whispered sweet nothings too her, promising her that she'd always be safe.

He'd always keep her safe.

But she couldn't. For her, she needed to hold onto the one tiny thing she had left, not her James, or her family, nor her reputation, but her dignity.

 For her, she needed to hold onto the one tiny thing she had left, not her James, or her family, nor her reputation, but her dignity

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Okay I know it's short put I'm really proud of this chapter

Anyway lmk, do you like the new cover for this book :)

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