𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Chapter thirty four

"Why'd you look traumatised?" Monroe questioned with a smirk as James walked in her room after the interaction with his mother, he placed the ice cream on her bedside table and flopped on the bed a hid his head in her shoulder.

"My mum knows that Sirius walked in on us. She told me to 'use protection'." James said, Monroe paused for a moment before bursting out laughing, "Why's that funny?" James asked as he looked up at her.

She shook her head as he sat up and grabbed the ice cream, handing her a spoon as she said, "It's not. Your facial expression was."

He rolled his eyes as she began eating the ice cream he said, "She said we can't stay in the same room though, which is annoying. And when we're in a room alone the door has to stay open."

"That's fair enough," she said with a shrug, "But I have got something to say."

"Go for it."

"I don't want you spending every second with me," she said, making James pull a face but she held a hand up for his to let her finish, "Your friends are here. 75% of them don't like me, and I won't care if you go fuck around with them all day, I'm grateful that you've let me stay here anyway."

"Love," he sighed, "I'm going to make this perfectly clear, I've brought you here because I love you and you was alone and upset, I'm not just going to leave you alone when I've brought you hours away from home." He said as he tucked a stand of hair behind her ear.

"And I don't care. You've got a massive library, I'll keep myself entertained, maybe I'll steal Remus from you." She said with a smile.

"You're perfect." He sighed as he dropped head onto her shoulder, she laughed and said, "I know." As she ran her fingers through her hair.


The room was speaking. Whispers bounced off of the walls as she room spoke and moved. It was moving.

She looked around in a daze. She was asleep. Wasn't she? She was at James' house. His house doesn't whisper. No house's whisper.

But as she listened closer, she could here them. They sounded evil, demonic, sly mentions of her name being chanted over and over and over by a unsettlingly familiar voice.

Her throat felt tight. They got louder, echo's inside of her mine.



Come to me, Monroe

She knew that voice all too well. It haunted her every waking moment.


"You've ruined this summer." Peter said as he sat on James' windowsill smoking a cigarette.

"How?" Jams asked confused as he sat on his bed talking to Sirius.

"By bringing your weird arse girlfriend." The boy said as he rolled his eyes, making it seem like his point was obvious.

"Oh fuck off." James said with a roll of his eyes.

"I'm just saying what we're all thinking." The blonde boy said as he raised his hands in defence, and Remus made a face and said, "Um, she's my friends, don't involve me in this."

"Deal with it, okay?" Jame began, "Cause she ain't going anywhere, and I'll still spend time with you, she's head for a reason, one that's none of your business," he added as he saw Sirius sit up, "she just needed to be away from her family for a bit."

"Yeah like living with a rich well-know family is so hard." Sirius said with an eye roll.

"You live with me because yours disowned you, don't start on my girlfriend."

I have barley any motivation today

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I have barley any motivation today

I have barley any motivation today

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