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Chapter sixteen

All of you, all of me intertwined

"Really little sister? Out of everyone, you choose him?" William said as he sat in Monroes room the next day.

Monroe rolled her eyes, she didn't want to spend her Saturday getting moaned at by her brother.

"Yes Will, him." She said as she tried to focus on her book, but it didn't work out as the boy ripped it from her hands and threw it of the floor making her roll her eyes.

"Explain, now." He said completely serious as she stood against the door with his arms crossed.

She rolled her eyes and rubbed a hand over her face, "I don't know how it happened okay? We had detention together for a few days I got so pissed for at him that I just started having a major go at him, the next day after I didn't show up to detention he came here and tried to get me to go to the kitchens with him, I said no cause he pisses me off, but Merlin he's a persistent fucker," she sighed and continued, "We went and he apologised, for everything. And it was so real and genuine, I could feel it. So, he asked me to go out with him the next day, and I said yes, and from there we've become close and I really like him Will."

William stood there in silence for a few seconds before saying, "Fine. But if he hurts you, and I mean in anyway, even if he forgets how you like your tea. I'll kill him."

Monroe smiled and nodded, "Understood, Will. If anything happens you'll be third to know."

He looked offended as he said, "Who's before me? I'm your big brother."

"Alex and Celia, obviously."

"So the eleven year old knows before me?"



"You're having a laugh!" Sirius said angrily as James spoke to him the following morning, after taking Monroe back to her dorm and making sure she's okay about a million times.

"No Pads I'm sorry." James said as he rubbed a hand over his face.

"You've lost the plot," Peter said for, besides Sirius, "What spell has she put you under? There's noway you would willingly fall for Monroe Taylor."

"There's clearly is a way because it happened!" James exclaimed, annoyed as he rolled his eyes. To be honest they had nothing to be angry about, it's his life.

"I don't need you to bloody criticise my decisions because in all honesty, I have no fucking clue how this happened! One day I was solely focused on completing this bet, and the next she's fucking lured me in and I don't want to leave okay? The bets done Sirius, Peter, and I don't care what you have to say about it, and you're not going to tell her there was a bet in the fist place!" James exclaimed angrily as he stormed out of the room, leaving the other three there in silence.

"I told you."

"Piss of Remus!" The other two yelled simultaneously.


Monroe sighed as she heard a knock at her door at ten o'clock at night on a Saturday, she quickly jumped out of the shower, putting on a robe over her bare body and she quickly went to open the door.

𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐉.𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now