𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖

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Chapter thirty five


"You alright, love?" James asked the next day, as he and Monroe sat on the garden, the sun blazing down on them.

She turned towards him and showed him a small smile, "Yeah, just tired s'all."

James frowned, "Did you sleep last night?" He asked with worry, knowing that she barely ever got a full nigh of sleep, if any at all, the ghosts of her past haunting her dreams.

"Yeah." She said, lying through her teeth.

James scoffed, "Yeah, try harder than that love, I can read you like an open book. Nightmare?"

She groaned, "Fuck you potter," but when she saw his face, straight set on his question being answered, "no. Yes. I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

She sighed, "I mean I don't know, it's like I was awake, but I wasn't myself, like I was a separate part to my body, and the room was whispering." She said as she fiddled with the ring on her finger.

"The room was whispering?" He asked confused, making her groan, "See? Now you think in a freak. This is why I don't tell people shit."

"Calm down," he said as he pulled her up and made her sit in front of him, "I don't think you're a freak. I'm just concerned, alright? You need to sleep."

"I know I'm not an idiot." She said as she met James eyes.

"You're mean when you're tired," James said in mock hurt, "maybe I should help you loosen up."

Before she could question him and what he meant by that, he began tickling her, making her squeal.

"Potter, I'll fucking kill you!" She yelled out as James threw her over his shoulder and stood in front of the pool.

"You've said that loads of times, still waiting on you to act in it." He said, before he threw her in, making her squeal.

"James you wanker!" She said as she resurfaced and wiped her sticky, wet hair out of her face, he just smiled and crouched down and rested his head on his knees, "Have I ever told you how much I love your eyes? They look heavenly."

She rolled her eyes and said, "At least help me out." Before holding her hand out for him to take, but as he grabbed it, she pulled hard, sending his flying in with her.

"Monroe!" He said as he pulled his glasses off of his face and placed them on ten pool side.

"Karmas a bitch isn't it, Potter?" She said with a smirk.


"He seems very happy with her." James' mother said to her husband as she looked at the young couple through the kitchen window.

"She seems nice I suppose." The man said, as he read the newspaper that had been delivered that morning, "her fathers no good though. Trouble, always has been, he's very involved in all that pure-blood nonsense, I think he's friends with this supposed 'dark lord'."

"You can't judge the girl off of her father who you haven't seen in twenty years, Fleamont. That's unfair, look how happy our James is, she's clearly nice enough for him, so she's nice enough for us." The woman said with an eye roll.

"I'm not judging her," he said as he looked towards his wife, "if anything I'm worried about her, that world her fathers gotten involved in is very dangerous, and it seems that the members of the little club like to have their heirs join once their time is up. It's only a matter of time before he tries to make the girl join, I can guarantee you her brothers already one of them."

"If that comes to that then we'll help her," the woman said, "she makes our James happy, very happy, and she's seventeen, a child."

"We can do our best darling," he said as he come to stand beside his wife, the two looking at James cornering Monroe in the pool, "but that worlds dark. And if you interfere that darkness will turn right back in you and anyone and anyone you've ever held dear."


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