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Chapter forty


The pressure was unlike anything William Taylor had ever felt in his life, trying to hide his little sister's whereabouts from the most dangerous and powerful people in the wizard world was an incredibly hard task.

It felt even harder now, as loud gasps of pain escaped his mouth as strained tears that he had failed to hold back flowed down his face as another hard punch landed across his face.

"Where is she!" His father grabbed the collar of his shirt and pushed him against the wall as he sobbed, his face look bloody and bruised, "I don't know!" William exclaimed through sobs.

He'd held it together until the threats to Monroe came along, threatening to kill the one person he cares about in front of his eyes is something beyond torture.

"Pathetic," the man seethed out, "crying like a little girl, though I raised you better than that. Now tell me son, where is your sister?"

Williams breathing was laboured as he seethes out, "I would rather die then tell you, you sad excuse of a man. Selling out his own fucking children 'cause he's a fucking failure."

Malcolm just looked even more angered, "This is no time for your pathetic childish games William! Everything I have built and worked for, our family if on the line if you don't tell me where you sister is! He will kill us! With no remorse!"

"As I said," the blonde boy breathed out, "I would rather die than sell out my little sister."

"You better be ready, because that will be the fate for us all because you're a pathetic little boy." Malcom seethed out and he stormed out of his study, leaving William, bloody and beaten as silent sobs shook his whole body.


Monroe wasn't very familiar with the concept of fear.

She knew what it was, obviously. It just wasn't something she would feel often, if at all.

She wasn't familiar with the emotion because she never had a reason to feel it before the beginning of last year, before William, before the whispers in her dreams, before she had James, someone to actually protect.

She didn't have a reason to feel it because she was sheltered from the silent wars that constantly raved in the outside world, she had William to protect her, she had her mother.

But now, everything felt like it was burning down into ashes, she didn't have Will. She didn't have her mother. The feeling was so familiar that even the mere thought of her family and the world they're involved in caused an instant pit to form in the bottom of her stomach.

She was being actively hunted by the deadliest man on earth, and she had no idea why, no idea in how to stop it, on how to save the people she cared about.

The idea of leaving wasn't foreign, she'd actually thought about quite a lot in the hours that had followed Alexandra's sudden arrival, there was more reasons for her to go than making her stay.

But, they're was the one reason why she hadn't left yet.


She couldn't leave him, she didn't care if all people thought they had was 'young-love', she knew that she was his he was hers, and she couldn't abandon that.

"I love you, y'know." She said as she but into a bit of burnt toast, making jame shook up form his food with a bright smile, "I love you, too." He said, knowing exactly the thoughts running through her head. He only hoped that his sweet words would be enough to make her stay.

 He only hoped that his sweet words would be enough to make her stay

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How would you feel that if when this book ends,
I'll do a spin off with the children like golden trio era the mc being Harry's twin sister or smthn cause I really want too.

Lmk if you'd like that please, thanks.

If so, pick a love interest cause your girls indecisive as fuck,

- Mattheo riddle (my personal top pic)

- daddy's boy Malfoy (idk how I feel any him cause what happened with Monroe and Lucius)

- Theodore Nott (I have no good or bad opinions tbh)

-Cedric (my only thing about this one is that he kicks the bucket pretty early on)

Lmk if you have an other suggestion, I'm open to them :)

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