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Chapter fourteen

I can't breathe

"Merlin Alexandra!" James Potter said as he was pushed against the wall of the corridor by the younger girl.

"I need a favour." She said as she rolled her eyes at the boys dramatics.

James rolled his eyes, "Yeah and why would I help you? You're an annoying, arrogant-," Alexandra cut him off and said, "It's about Monroe just listen for Merlin's sake!"

James' eyes focused on the girl, noticing her serious manner, "Go on then."

Alexandra sighed, "If you tell anyone about this, I'll hex  you in thirteen different ways, got it?" She asked, receiving a nod in return, "Right, well are you seeing Mons tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm picking her up and taking her to the kitchens, why?" He asked, confused by the whole situation

"Whenever she's with you does she um," she paused trying to find a way to phrase it, "Eat anything?"

James thought for a moment, thinking back on all their late night encounters before saying, "No, she always says she's not hungry."

"Sly bitch." Alex muttered before saying, "Tonight, please get her to eat something, anything even if it's a bloody grape."

James nodded before saying, "May I ask why?"

Alex stayed silent for a moment, thinking if she should tell him before deciding he deserves an explanation, "Monroe has a complicated relationship with food. She's never been good at remembering to eat, or wanting to eat. It makes her feel in control to not do it, so she goes days without it, it was really bad last year, really fucking bad, and it was getting better but she's got a lot going on right now Potter, and for some fucked up reason I think she's let you in, she trust you, please, make her eat something."

James was taken back by Alexandra's words, "Yes. Yes I swear, I'll make sure of it, you can trust me." He nodded multiple times, Alex nodded in return before walking down the hallway without another word, leaving James to feel even more guilty about hurting the girl he'd come to care for.


"No, love I haven't." James said with a heavy laugh as the two spoke later that night in the kitchens.

"So you're telling me you've never thought that in his youth Dumbledore was a looker?" She questioned in a confused voice as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

He laughed loudly again and managed to stutter out, "No!" Which was followed by a loud laugh.

Monroe rested her chin in her hand, admiring the honest show of happiness that the boy showed to her.

"Like the view Monnie?" James asked once he'd calmed down and noticed the girls stare and the small smile on her face.

"Very much so Jamie." She said with a nod as she continued to look, making James' smile widen.

"Alright, I'm hungry," James said as he stood and rubbed his hands together, "I got you a surprise." He walked behind the wall and made a bit of noise before re-appearing holding a plate of red velvet cupcakes.

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