𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖

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Chapter thirty nine

Burnt toast Sundays

She woke up early. So stupidly, ridiculously early that she would've gone straight back to sleep for another ten thousand hours if it wasn't for the empty space in bed next to her.

She sighed loudly into her pillow -well James' pillow but that's unimportant- and slipped out of bed, swaying side to side like a blackout drunk as she lazily slipped one of James' shirts over her figure, thinking that if anyone was awake then it was better then if they saw her in a matching set of lacy black underwear with marks that James had ever so gracefully given her over the few weeks she'd been staying with him.

She walked down the stairs and wondered into the kitchen like a lost soul when she heated some loud banging and crashing from the room.

"Shit!" She smiled sleepily when she saw the back of her boyfriends head, his hair equally as messy as her own, the boy whisper yelling profanity's.

"What's so stressful at six in the morning, hmm?" She questioned as she wrapped her arms around his middle from behind, closing her eyes with a tranquil smile on her face as she rested her head of his back.

"Shit," he whispered again, this time not so aggressive as he intertwined their fingers, "I'm sorry darling, did I wake you up?"

She shook her head against his back, "No. I woke up naturally by this really annoying thing called a body clock." She said as he turned around, still in her arms, her head now resting against his chest.

The boy hummed, "I'm not complaining. I fucking love seeing you in my clothes." He breathed out causing her to roll her eyes and look up at him, "Can you please stop being horny for five seconds and tell me why the kitchen looks like it been through a battle?"

He rubbed the back of his head as he cleared his throat, "I was trying to make you breakfast in bed because my mum and dad are out for the day, the boys will refuse to wake up before nine and you're being chased by an evil wizard. But, I burnt the toast and somehow made the eggs explode."

She couldn't help the loud snort that escaped her as she began to laugh, causing James' to scoff, "Hey I was trying to do something nice, and this is the treatment I get." He said, mocking hurt, making the girl roll her eyes and lean in to kiss him lightly, "Thank you James." She whispered softly against his lips.

"Fuckin' hell I love your eyes, so fucking heavenly." He sighed as he rested his forehead against hers.

"The horny energy is back again, couldn't give it up for five whole minutes."

He shrugged, "Can't help it, have you seen my girlfriend?"

The blonde shook her head, playing along, "Couldn't say that I have, what's so great about her."

James sighed in a thinking gesture, "She's got these eyes, the most beautifully captivating eyes I've ever seen, and this nice blonde hair that alway pisses me off because there's to much of it, but I love to plait it when I'm bored, even if I have no clue how, she lets me. Always wears this one bracelet I got her for her birthday, biggest turn on ever by the way, except for when she wears my clothes," he said making her roll her eyes playfully before he continued, "but behind the cinnamon roll energy, she got this attitude. And before we was together it made me want to jump off of a clock tower, but now, I love it. And her. So fucking much."

She smiled coyly and said, "She sounds decent."

James hummed, "Gonna marry her on day y'know." He said, as his absentminded running his fingers through her hair stopped when he released what he had said and who he had said it to, "No wait, I mean- shit, fuck-," he started stumbling over his words.

But she just looked at him and met his eyes making his rambling stop, as he sighed in embarrassment "I'm sorry." He said.

"Don't apologise." She whispered with a smile, "Cause I really fucking like the sound of that Potter."

He smiled and leant down to kiss her.

She didn't care what happened on the way to her future, she just knew that if her James was there, everything would be okay, because he brought her into the brightness of her darkest night, he saved her in every way it was possible to be saved.

She didn't care what happened on the way to her future, she just knew that if her James was there, everything would be okay, because he brought her into the brightness of her darkest night, he saved her in every way it was possible to be saved

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(I know it's been a VERY long time since I've updated, pls don't shoot me, school started again, so the the constant need to jump out of a window had returned and I have no energy)

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