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Chapter eighteen

We'd still worship this love

"That thing looks horrifying." Monroe said as she sat in the library with Remus on Monday afternoon, after dinner had ended, her looking at the plant that she'd made him keep in his dorm room.

Remus laughed as he wrote something down in a book, "Very much so. Imagine waking up at three in the morning to that thing on your windowsill."

She shivered at the idea as he placed a note book in front of her, "That's its current growth rate, just copy it down, we water it then we can go."

Monroe nodded as she got a quill from her bad and began copying Remus' handwriting, he looked at the girl for a second before clearing his throat making her look up, "How are things with you and James." He asked because, truthfully he was worried that James just said what he said to get Remus off of his case.

She shrugged and continued writing, "They're good, didn't know you knew to be fair." She said quietly as a group of sixth years walked pass.

"Oh shit, he didn't tell you? Don't be pissed off at him please, I'll tell no one, I promise."

She grinned at the boy as she handed him his notes back, "Don't worry, it's only fair really, I've told Alex and Celia."

Remus raised his eyebrows as Monroe began putting her things back in her bag, "The eleven year old?"

"Yep, she's quite a good listener," she said as she stood up, "Bye Remus." She said as she walked away, retreating back to her dorm leaving Remus there to wonder if James was being sincere.


"Come in yourself! I'm sleeping!" Monroe yelled as someone knocked on her door at nine pm the same night, she payed face down in her bed, tiny sleep shorts covering her bottom half as she wore James' far too big hoodie.

She heard a familiar chuckle before the sound of the door clicking open, "Hello, darling." James said softly.

She groaned into the pillow in response as heard him slip his shoes off and sat beside her, his legs in front of him and his back against the headboard, he noticed her moving her head slightly to look up and him before deciding to rest her head on his chest, making him laugh lightly and gently run his hands through her hair.

"Hi." She said quietly as she placed the hood of the hoodie over her head, the action being a habit.

"You okay?" He asked as his hand slipped under the back of the hoodie as he bang to taxes small circles on her lower back.

"Mhm." She mumbled, her eyes still closed.

"I need to ask you something." James said as he looked down at her.

"James, if you don't shut the fuck up and let me sleep I will kill you." She said as she opened her eyes and looked at him, making him grin as he made her sit up with her legs crossed facing him.

"There's a party tomorrow in the Gryffindor common room, everyone of importance is invited, I thought it might do you some good being exposed to the well-known people of the school." James said as he looked at her pissed off face because of her sleep being disturbed.

"I'm the most well known person in this school." She said.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." James said with a small smile as he raised his eyebrows, "You coming? Bring Alex if you want."

"If I say yes can I got back to fucking sleep?"

"Yeah." James said with a nod.

"Then yes. Goodnight." She said, but as she went to lay down James grabbed her chin a kissed her, she returned it almost instantly.

They both pulled away eventually, needing air as they rested their foreheads together Monroe said through a heavy breath, "What was that for?"

James shrugged, "I like seeing you in my clothes."

She claimed onto his lap, "I'll do it more often if I get treated like this." She said as she kissed him again.

And again.

And again.

It escalated quickly as James began leaving messy kisses down the side of her neck as she pulled his top over his head, his fingers fiddled with the hem of her hoodie as he pulled away and looked at her, "Are you sure?" He said breathlessly, "I know that you've not had good experiences before, so this is all on you my love, you're in control."

She breathed in heavily as she said, "I've never been more sure of anything." Before kissing him again.

" Before kissing him again

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Lacey speaks<3


Sorry it's short

Sorry if there's mistakes

69 days till 1989 (Taylor's Version)!

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