𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Twenty four

Hear me out

"She's not eaten anything all day." James said softly to Remus, his eye focused on Monroe who sat with he chin resting on her hand as Alex and Celia talked.

"Tell Alex." Remus said as he took a sip of his drink.

"She won't even entertain me, she's meant to be the one making sure that she fucking eats." James said annoyed, "I just want to speak to her."

"You've brought this on yourself James. You can't just expect her to forgive you." Remus said.

"I know that Remus." He said annoyed, "is it just me or does her face look red?" He asked.

Remus looked, "I don't know a bit maybe."

"Wonder why." He said, "Y'think someone hit her?"

Remus rolled his eyes, "No. it's Monroe she wouldn't let anyone, now stop looking at her like a fucking freak. Give her space."

"Yeah stop being a pussy and get over it." Sirius said, breaking away from his conversation with Peter.

"I can't just get over it Sirius," James said annoyed, "I fuckin' love her." He said as his eyes settled back on the girl, as Sirius and Remus' eyes met, the two both silently agreeing to something.


"Monroe slow down!" William yelled as he followed his sister down the hallway after dinner, he needed to speak to her, he needed to tell her that it wasn't his choice.

The girls pace didn't slow, if anything it grew quicker, the girl practically racing down the hall, at this point, but due to William being much taller, his pace was faster and he stood in front of her, blocking her way.

"Move William." She said not looking him in the eye.

"No," he said firmly, "not until you here me out."

She looked up at him, noticing how serious he was, she rolled her eyes and said, "Fine you've two minutes hurry up."

William sighed and said, "Fine, it wants my choice Monroe. I promise. I got there and the reality of the situation crashed on me," he said as he ran a hand through his hair, "I went in a room and he was there, Mons," he said his voice becoming reluctant, "he said that I had to get it. He said it was for you. So you wouldn't have too," his voice was thick now, "he said if I didn't get it, you'd have too, and I don't want you to have this life Mon." He said as his eyes glassed over, "So yes I may have the dark mark, but I done it for you."

Monroe didn't need anything else to be said, she just walked up to him and hugged him, the boy sighing in relief and returning it instantly.

"You're so fucking stupid." She muttered, receiving a laugh form her brother as the two pulleD away.

"Speaking of stupid, where's that bracelet Potter got you?" He asked, noticing her bare wrist, and the way her face dulled at the mention if the boy, "what happened?" He asked.

"Nothing." She said with an eye roll.

"Tell me." He said, "or I'll get someone else too and I won't ask very nicely."

She rolled her eyes and told him, not expecting his reaction at all.


"Hey, Potter!" James turned around when he heard his name being yelled, from behind where
he currently sat at the black lake with Remus, Sirius and, Peter.

"Ah fuck!" He yelled when a hard fist came in contact with his face, his head whipped to the side as he felt blood begin to fall from his nose before he was shoved against a tree with a arm pressed up against his neck.

"You think you're fucking smart, hmm?" James recognised the voice of William Taylor shout in his face, "fucking around with my sister?"

"For the last fucking time I didn't fuck her around! I fucking care!" James said back.

"Mate, I think you need to calm down." The calm voice of Remus Lupin sounded causing Williams stare to turn the boy and say, "Stay out of this Lupin, it doesn't concern you."

"Fuck sake Will!" James closed his eyes when he heard her voice approaching, "calm down, you're overreacting." She said as she pulled his arm off of James' neck.

"I'm overreacting? I think my reaction is perfectly suitable." He said as he went to walk towards James again but Monroe pushed him back and said, "Don't bother Will, it's fine alright, it doesn't deserve the time or energy, just go alright." William looked down at her before rolling his eyes and before giving James one last threatening glance began walking away.

"Monnie-," James began as she hang around for a second longer, but before he could continue she said, "Go fuck yourself Potter." Before following after her brother.

" Before following after her brother

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