𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

838 12 8

Chapter thirty eight

I fucking swear

The room was by no means quite, it was quite loud actually the voices of everyone but her bounced off of her ears, she could hear James panicked words, his mothers pleas for him to calm down, Remus trying to get more information out of Alex, Sirius and Peter wondering what this meant, and James' father sitting on the table, not saying a word.

She was scared. She wouldn't dare say it, but she was petrified. The dark lord was looking for her. Actively, in this very moment.

She couldn't comprehend why. She was her. Five foot-six worth, of attitude, snark, trauma, eating disorders and doggy eyes. She had no skills to bring to the table, sure, she was smart but she severely doubted that the lord of all evil wanted her for her brain. No, there was something else, there had to be.

There had to be a reason that he would go to such extreme lengths and trouble to look for her, why he would take Alex's parents.

"Quite, the lot of you." James' father said loudly over the abundance of voices, braking her out of the bubble she and submerged herself in, "this is a serious situation, we need to address it with urgency and a straight mind, alright? Panicking and pacing isn't going to solve anything."

James stopped his pacing and went to sit besides his girlfriend, the girl not having spoken a word near enough the whole time.

"Now, Alexandra has informed us of her parents being taken," the older man began, "but what we don't know is why he is causing such a fuss to find Monroe, alright? Any ideas?" He said, directing the last question to the blonde girl.

She raised her eyes from where they were placed on her ring she fiddled with and saw everyone's gaze on her, so she just shrugged, "No?" She said it sounding more like a question.

James sighed and turned his body towards his girlfriend, "Anything, love? Any reason whatsoever, even the tiniest little detail?" He said as he grabbed hold of one of her hands, a plea for her to cooperate.

The truth was James was the most scared person in the room. She in-trusted him with the information of William and her father being death eaters, after making him swear to secrecy, and he didn't want her to fall victim to the same fate.

He'd noticed William became dull, his green eyes always seemed sad and lonely, like they had been drained of all the joy that they had even seen. He noticed how Monroe would do anything to avoid long topics of conversation with or revolving around her older brother. It's like his whole life had been drained of everything good and happy due to the world his father had enrolled him in. And he'd die before he let the girl he loved loose all the joy in her eyes, the eyes that her loved ever-so-much.

She breathed in heavily, lightly pinching James' finger, a habit the two had come to do when she was stressed, knowing he was close always dulled the fear or pain brewing in the pits of her stomach, "Because of Will, probably, he's got Will now he wants me." She whispered as Peter stood, agitated.

"Great! Her brothers a fucking death eater! Good on you James! Your psychotic little girlfriend has pit us all in harms way! Good on ya mate!" Peter said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"This isn't her fucking fault!" James exclaimed standing up, "she can't help the family she was fucking born into Peter! You've never once said a word about Sirius' whole fucking family being some of the most elite people in that little demonic club!"

"Yeah, that's 'cause Sirius isn't being hunted by one of the most cruel people on the planet! In my opinion, your little play thing and her little follower should be left to fend for themselves, they're the ones who are at risk! Not us! Keep it that way and start thinking with your head and not your dick!" James didn't register his next movements as he swiftly moved foreword and swing his fist, it making a hard connection with Peters face as the other two boys quickly stood holding both of them back.

"If you say anything like that about her again I'll fucking kill you, y'hear me?" He said as Remus kept pushing him back as James father stood.

"Both of you, enough!" He said firmly, "Monroe and Alexandra are not going anywhere! It's late, you're all worked up, we shall discuss this in the morning. James, show Alexandra to one of the spare bedrooms, all of you go to bed." He said, as the children began filtering out of the room, Peter now nursing a bruised eye form the force of James' punch.


Later that night, Monroe lay curled up into James' side, the two forgetting the rules his mother had put in place.

He ran his fingers through her hair and he felt tears slip onto his chest, he hated seeing her so scared.

"I'm so scared Jamie, so fucking scared." She breathed out, her voice thick with emotion.

He hugged tighter, he felt physically pain at how weak and horse her voice sounded, "Nothings gonna hurt you love, as long as you're with me, nones gonna hurt you baby, not gonna touch a single hair on you're pretty little head." He whispered against her ear.

"Swear?" She whispered as he eyes met his.

He placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and nodded, "I fucking swear."

Is it just me that whenever you're pissed off and angry or embarrassed you're just like, I'm going to kill myself, but you're actually petrified of death and the concept of it?

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Is it just me that whenever you're pissed off and angry or embarrassed you're just like, I'm going to kill myself, but you're actually petrified of death and the concept of it?

Just me? Okay.


Thanks for 2k reads 🫶🥔

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